Niche Directory
Welcome to our niche ideas directory where we list and briefly explain many niches for a new blog or website.
This is not an exhaustive list. There are more niches out there. We will add more.
About the My Rating scores:
1 = Worst / 10 = Best.
My ratings are based on potential and ease. I do my best to keep personal preferences out of it.
The “My Rating” scores should not be blindly followed. I have biases and just because I score a niche low does not mean it cannot become a successful blog. In fact, if a niche is something you’re very passionate about, go for it if the potential revenue works for you. For example, I’m not too fond of sports-oriented niches because they’re both seasonal and the content isn’t all that evergreen. However, if you’re a sports fanatic, go for it.
I award a perfect 10/10 to very few niches because there aren’t many perfect niches. Most have problems of one sort or another. Do not choose a niche based on my ratings. In fact, I’m not in all niches I rate 10/10.
Search volume and keyword difficulty score sources:
All keyword search volume and keyword difficulty figures are via Ahrefs. Please keep in mind that Ahrefs is likely not 100% accurate and therefore should be used as a guideline only. Moreover, I don’t offer keyword search volume for all the keywords in the niche. Just the main keyword. Each niche has hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands of viable keywords so don’t decide on a niche by search volume for one seed keyword.
I hope you find this niche ideas directory helpful.
If you’re just getting started with a niche site or blog check out “how to start a blog that makes money.”
For monetization ideas, see 47 ways to monetize a website and go here for a broader discussion on the different types of blogs.
If you want a complete, proven step by step system, then check out my complete course.
Entertainment Niches
Gaming Niche
My Rating: 8/10
Key metrics:
- “video games”: 182,000 monthly search volume
- KD: 72
- Google trends: Slightly downward
I’m not a gamer but I would love this niche if I were. What could be better than earning a living writing and about and taking videos of you playing video games. This is a niche where you’d do well focusing on creating YouTube videos where you film yourself playing video games; especially how-to videos to advance in video games. If you’re entertaining, you could play and entertain. Another angle, and this is where the blog portion comes in, is you review video games. This could be a good affiliate marketing angle, but it does require investing in new games and spending quite a bit of time playing them so you can write great reviews.
Alternatively, you can hire gamers who love playing and love writing about games. There are aspiring journalists who will do it for free… although you would need some notoriety in order to attract people to write for free. You could also incorporate a business angle in the blog where you write about how to make money playing video games. That’s a large and very lucrative niche unto itself. All-in-all, I love this niche because it’s playful, popular and potentially lucrative.
Movie Review Niche
My rating: 3/10
Key Metrics:
- “Movie Reviews” search volume: 73,000 / month
- Keyword difficulty: 68
- Google trend: Downward trajectory
For movie aficionados, the movie review niche seems like a good fit and it can be if you’re a wicked good writer and publish insightful reviews that people want to read. You must develop a fanbase of your reviews or you will not make it in this niche. SEO isn’t enough because you need a lot of page views (millions) in order to make any real money. You would be wise to expand beyond reviews and into listicles such as “best romantic comedies of all time” type of posts. Your main income source will be ads, although you may make some money with affiliate offers, especially if any streaming services offer affiliate programs.
Health Niches
Baby Niche
My rating: 2/10
- “Baby”: 226,000 monthly searches
- Keyword difficulty:
I’m not a fan of the baby niche at all for two reasons. First, most people interested in the baby niche usually have just had a baby. Having a baby, especially your first, is all-consuming. It’s the ultimate crash course in babies and within weeks or months you know a lot, especially about baby gear. You’ve likely researched baby gear for endless hours and spent way more than you ever imagined. It then occurs to you, “I know so much about babies and baby gear, I could publish a great website about babies in some capacity.”
If you’re a parent, I don’t doubt your insights and experiences offer value. Here’s the problem. In 1.5 years, your baby will no longer be a baby. She or he will be a toddler, then a young boy or girl and so on. By the time they’re 3, you will no longer be interested in babies or infants unless you’re having more. But even then, it won’t be long until your interest in babies will be over. Then what? My second issue with this niche pertains to the Google medic update. Some niches require a certain level of expertise. While that’s long been the case, it’s now the case in Google search.
If you have no real authority in the baby niche and other niches where expertise is important (i.e. law, health, personal finance), you either must attain authority or suffer a disadvantage out of the gates. If, however, you’re a pediatrician or have some other credentials that credential you to write about babies and infants, by all means, you now have an advantage making it a great niche. If this is you, you can enjoy huge earning potential with a massive swath of products to promote as an affiliate. Expecting and new parents will spend thousands and if you gain their trust, you can do very well with affiliate referrals.
Fitness Niche
My rating: 9/10
Key Metrics:
- “Fitness”: 101,000 monthly searches
- Keyword difficulty: 60
- Google trends: Stable
The key with this niche is personality. It’s a blog you need to publish where you’re the face of it. While there are exceptions, you should be prepared to show off your body and/or abilities such as running, yoga or some other fitness pursuit. Getting or having a certified personal trainer designation (CPT) helps. One exception would be if you take a scientific approach to the blog, but then you should have some educational credentials / degrees to give you credibility. If you live eat and breathe fitness, whether it’s building muscle, helping people lose weight, strength, this can be a fantastic niche. I like it because:
- It’s very good for email marketing.
- Does well in search (lots of long tail keywords) and social media.
- You can sell courses and/or promote many courses and products (supplements and equipment) as an affiliate.
- Video is a viable traffic source. Even podcasts work.
- Huge potential audience.
While I typically like broad sites (multiple niches), I suggest you narrow your topic down to the area of fitness you pursue. While sites the Greatist manage to do well as a broad fitness site, I believe you have a better shot niching down.
You need to be legit. Cranking out regurgitated articles won’t do it. You need to write well and know what you’re talking about.
It’s very competitive. There are many well established and excellent fitness websites. You need to establish a voice/brand to break into it in any meaningful way.
Overall, assuming you have the passion and expertise, it’s a terrific niche.
Health Niche (generally)
My Rating: 1/10
- “Health”: 146,000 monthly searches
- “Health” keyword difficulty: 92
Since the Google Medic update, I would not touch the health niche. Actually, I had no interest before that update, but now it’s not something most people should consider. It was hard enough before that update, now it’s impossible unless you’re a doctor or similarly credentialed. Speaking of which, if you are a doctor or have a doctorate in a health field, then this is a terrific niche because your competition is so much lighter than it was while search demand and interest remains unchanged. Therefore, for someone like me with no health credentials or background, it’s a terrible niche. For a credentialed person, it could be relatively easy to gain a foothold in this niche which has so many excellent monetization opportunities. Of course, “health” spans many topics including Western medicine, natural remedies and more.
Hobby Niches
Crochet Niche
My Rating: 8/10
Key Metrics:
- “Crochet”: 112,000 monthly searches
- Keyword Difficulty: 48
- Google Trends: Upward trajectory
If you’d have asked me before I started this niche ideas directory which was more popular, crochet or quilting, I’d have said quilting with no hesitation. I would have been wrong. Crochet is a big niche on its own with a ton of lower competition keywords. While I don’t crochet, if I did, I think it could be a huge success. It works on Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Google search. You can sell your own patterns (if you’re design-oriented). But, other than selling patterns, there aren’t many affiliate opportunities except perhaps promoting other people who sell patterns. You could sell your finished work on Etsy, but that’s difficult, if not impossible to scale. The main reason I like this niche is it’s a fun niche if you like crochet. You do crochet and therefore it’s not a ton of additional effort to take photos and videos showing off your work and writing tutorials about your work.
Quilting Niche
My Rating: 6/10
Key Metrics:
- Search volume for “quilting”: 20,000 / month
- Keyword difficulty: 20
- Google trend: slightly downward
Viable traffic sources:
- Organic search
- YouTube
- Email marketing
- Affiliate promotions (including Amazon);
- AdSense / display ads
- Sell finished quilts
- Sell patterns
Although it’s on a downward trend in Google trends, if you’re into quilting, this is an okay niche, especially if you can come up with your own patterns that you sell and/or are willing to sell quilts on Etsy. Frankly, I was surprised at the low search volume which is 20,000 monthly searches for “quilting”. I thought it would be higher. However, it only has a keyword difficulty of 20, which for a seed keyword in a niche like that isn’t terribly high. Getting to millions of page views per month would be difficult in this niche. However, there are plenty of products to write about given the hobby requires some expensive equipment and avid quilters will buy in order to pursue their hobby.
Sewing Niche
My rating: 6/10
- “Sewing”: 34,000 monthly searches.
- Keyword difficulty: 26
I really thought there would be far more monthly searches for this niche. I guess people don’t sew like they did 40 years ago. In Google Trends, it’s trending downward quite a bit since 2004. Generally, I’m a big fan of hobby niches, especially if you’re into the particular hobby. However, the audience isn’t huge for sewing. I suspect aside from hawking sewing machines, fabric and perhaps patterns, there’s not much to promote as an affiliate. On the plus side, if you’re good at sewing and/or coming up with patterns you can create great videos and content. The content is still a ton of work (how-content usually is a lot of work), but it could be super valuable for visitors and attract links like crazy. For example, if you enter the seed term “how to sew” you get hundreds of long tail keyword results with decent search volume. All of that could be great content, including videos for YouTube, Facebook and IGTV. The downside for how-to content is the value of the keywords are low so ad revenue wouldn’t be all that great on an RPM basis.Other angles to consider:
- Fashion: Design and sew your own apparel… this can be huge and fun. This would be my preferred approach if I knew how to sew and design.
Crafting niche: Sewing kinda falls into the crafting niche so you could start with sewing site but scale up with more popular crafting topics and DIY topics.
Photography Niche
My Rating: 10/10
Key Metrics:
- “Photography”: 217,000 monthly searches
- Keyword difficulty: 22
- Google trends: Stable
The photography market is pretty much a perfect niche. I’m not in it because I’m not into photography, but even an amateur can do well in this niche. Everyone is a photographer these days with smart phones. We take copious amounts of photos; many of us actually care about taking better photos. And then there’s the massive demand for website photos via stock photography, which is a niche I think is amazing. If I were a photographer, I’d work at building a stock photography business as well.
There are so many long tail keywords and sub-niches to go after it’s ridiculous. You could focus on iphone photography or night time photography or go more general. The amount of high-priced products you can promote is also ridiculous, although I suspect digital camera sales aren’t what they used to be now that smartphone cameras are so good. You could do video tutorials, reviews, comparisons, galleries or blog about the business of photography serving photography professionals. This really is one of those rare perfect niches that many people can jump into. I do recommend starting off with an angle. Before you fire up your blog, become proficient at that angle of photography and then cover it deeply. Full Photography blog start-up guide | Photography sub-niches
Lifestyle Niches
Beauty Niche
My Rating: 8/10
Key metrics:
The beauty niche is a batch of niches such as makeup, hair, nails and skin. I’m actually a fan of tackling broad topics like this. You can start with a specific topic but over time can expand into multiple niches.
- “Beauty”: 230,000/month with KD 50
- “Hairstyles” 240,000/month with KD 33
- “Makeup”: 167,000/month with KD 63
- “Nail art”: 65,000/month with KD 31
- “Wrinkles”: 12,000/month with KD 53
- “Acne”: “100,000/month with KD 85
About Yes, it’s competitive pretty much across the board, but the potential traffic, volume of keywords to target and monetization options are all very, very good. If you go the makeup, nail art angle, you should be female. If you’re prepared to go on camera, videos can be very, very successful and you can build up a strong YouTube channel in conjunction with your blog. You can earn with ads, affiliate promotions, white labelling products and of course run an email list. This is a very strong topic and if you can break into it, you can earn a lot of money.
DIY Niche
My Rating: 7/10
Key Metrics:
- “DIY”: 181,000 monthly searches
- KD: 55
- Google trend: Upward trajectory
There are three approaches to this niche.
First, you can curate content into listicles. It involves plenty of outreach and it’s hit and miss.
Second, you could do a tons of DIY projects, record them with photos and video and publish them.
Third, you could hire/pay/invite people to submit their DIY work to your site.
Of course you can do all three. This is one of those rare niches where Pinterest traffic could easily exceed Google search traffic. There are tons, and I mean tons of keywords to go after in this niche. There are many angles to cover such as:
- DIY crafts
- DIY room decor
- DIY home improvement
- DIY beauty.
- DIY Halloween / Christmas / Valentine’s Day / Easter
Potential traffic is many millions of monthly page views. Most revenue will be via ads, but given the traffic potential, ads revenue can be excellent. You can also promote some merchants such as Amazon with materials and tools used.
Fashion Niches
My Rating: 10/10 (for the right person)
Key Metrics:
- “Fashion”: 138,000 monthly searches / 79 KD
- “Clothing”: 297,000 monthly searches / 53 KD
- Google Trends: Slight downward trend
- Build a following: What I love about the fashion niche/topic is that you can build a very loyal following if you’re good at showcasing apparel and accessories. This is one niche where Instagram can work wonders.
- Easy to create content: All you need to do is wear great outfits, take photos and videos and publish them. Very easy if you look great doing it and/or have a knack for putting outfits together.
- Lots of affiliate opportunities: You can promote most apparel with affiliate links.
- Plenty of audiences: You can go after specific audiences that fit your style, age, look, etc.
- Plenty of sub-niches to cover: accessories, dresses, shoes, athletic wear, etc.
- Need the right look: You need to be stylish. You need to be able to get readers to follow you and like your style. If you can do this, it’s a terrific niche.
Lifestyle Niches
My Rating: n/a – this is a type of blog, not a niche.
Key Metrics: n/a – it’s a type of blog, not a niche.
A lifestyle blog is a term referring to topics and niches that fall under the lifestyle category. It could be a personal blog where you blog about your life covering the any/all of the following:
- fashion,
- decor,
- fitness,
- food,
- gardening,
- travel etc.
Or you could cover a specific niche with a personal flavor to it. Some lifestyle topics are better than others, but I’m of the view to cover something you’re interested in writing/publishing about.
Local Blog
My rating: 2/10
No obvious keywords.
In theory, I love the idea of a local blog. In practice, it’s very difficult. First, you need to choose an approach or angle. Consider:
- Travel (things to do, restaurant/hotel reviews, local information)
- Local news: Politics, crime, business, sports etc.
Yes, you can make it both a travel and local news site. The travel angle caters to visitors. The news angle caters to residents. My biggest problem is growth. Unless you manage to gain a foothold as a local New York City or some other massive city blog, your growth potential is limited. Only so many people visit a My second problem is I’m not even sure you can outrank local Google reviews, Trip Advisor or Yelp reviews. Those are very good, long-standing sites that will be hard to go after. My third problem, especially if you go the news route, nothing you publish is evergreen. That’s the problem with news sites generally, but national news sites get so much traffic, it’s okay.
At the local level, it would be rare that content could pay for itself ever. If you write it all yourself, you’ll work like crazy. If you outsource the content, I simply can’t see how it’ll pay. The only exception is if you somehow land some good deals with local businesses willing to pay for premium advertising or referrals. This can be done, but it’s not easy. I used to earn referral fees from law firms, so it can be done. The only two reasons I can see for publishing such a site is passion and/or you own a local business that can benefit from the exposure. Don’t expect that it’ll be lucrative. You have to do it either because you love having a local voice or you use it to market your own local business. For example, if you’re a realtor or own a hotel, it could pay off very well. All of the above reasons not to publish this type of site are regrettable because we need more locally-sourced news sites. Moreover, it would be a lot of fun if you care about your community.
Mommy Blog Niches
My rating: 8/10
There’s no single seed keyword that encapsulates a mommy blog.
What is a mommy blog?
It’s a blog that publishes information for moms. It can include tips, inspiration and entertainment. There really is no limit in the types of content you publish. Moreover, it’s conceptual. Such a blog can go in a number of directions, which is a big reason I like it. Instead of targeting specific topics, it targets an audience who is interested in a variety of topics from the perspective of being a mom.
- Many topics and sub-niches you can cover without alienating your audience.
- Defined audience.
- Engaged audience.
- Huge traffic potential.
- Terrific display ad and affiliate commission revenue potential.
- Must be able to inject personality to connect with the audience.
- There are lots of mommy blogs out there – must stand out.
Are you still interested when you kids grow up?
The mommy blog is another example of a niche site that you can legitimately cover pretty much every niche but do so from a mother’s perspective. For example, you can discuss pets, crafts, home decor, DIY, personal finance, health, diets, food, cooking, education, etc. This is the main reason I love this niche. Also, you have multiple solid traffic sources including search, Pinterest and video (Facebook, Instagram and YouTube). The biggest con is that while you have kids at home, which is all-consuming, it’s easy to publish loads of personal content, but when your kids grow up, then what? Do you carry on as a “veteran” mom? You can, but will you be as interested in it at that point. It’s like the baby blog – once your baby is no longer a baby, then what? Do you have to be a mom to publish a mommy blog? I think it helps big time; however, there are examples of successful mommy blogs published by a corporation or some young dude. I’m not interested in publishing
Parenting Niche
My Rating: 5/10
Key Metrics:
- “Parenting”: 20,000 monthly search volume
- Keyword Difficulty: 72
- Google Trends: Slight decline
The biggest problem with the parenting niche is that most parents will lose interest as kids grow up. That and the fact it would be very difficult to do if you’re not a parent. While you’re a parent of babies, the baby niche seems like a great idea. Having infants and toddlers around is all-consuming. You become an expert very quickly.
You suck up information and experience like a sponge seemingly overnight. All of sudden, babies and toddlers go to school, then high school and you are no longer parents of kids at home. Then what? Unless your career is in child development or similar, your expertise and personal experience fades quickly. On the plus side, there is a lot angles and opportunities in the niche. There are many sub-niches. The content potential is endless.
You can merge with other niches such as DIY, cooking, health, technology, travel, etc… all with a kid angle. As a parent of young kids, the niche seems attractive now, but in 5 years what could I possible publish about toddlers when my youngest is 8. Nothing. But, like I said, if you are involved in a child-oriented occupation or career, parenting could be a very good niche (assuming you also have kids).
Pet Niches
My rating: 9/10
Main keywords:
- Dogs: 545,000 monthly search volume / KD: 62
- Cats: 600,000 monthly search volume / KD: 75
- Parrots: 25,000 monthly search volume / KD: 32
- Hamsters: 31,000 monthly search volume / KD: 22
- Fish tank: 46,000 / KD: 22
If you’re into pets and have pets, a pet niche is great. The potential traffic is huge from SEO and Pinterest. There are pet Instagram accounts commanding $16,000 per post (pet profiles with 1 million+ followers). There are loads and loads of all kinds of keywords. While I typically prefer broader niches, the pet vertical is one where I’d niche down to a particular type of dog or aquarium fish or a less common pet such as a hamster. For instance, if I had a German Shepherd dog and knew a lot about training and dog care, I’d have no problem running a niche site solely about German Shepherd dogs.
Get a load of this, “german shepherd” has 451,000 monthly searches and KD of 47. That is definitely a big niche on its own. As for monetization, you can use display ads and affiliate links to Amazon and info products. Email is lucrative given there are plenty of info products and the fact people are passionate about their pets. All in all, pet niches are great if you’re into and have pets. FYI, I don’t have any pets so it’s not a niche I’m jumping into.
Religion Niches
My Rating: 9/10
- “Christianity”: 82,000 monthly searches / KD: 81
- “Islam”: 147,000 monthly searches / KD: 87
- “Judaism”: 89,000 monthly searches / KD: 42
- “Catholicism”: 36,000 monthly searches / KD: 63
- “Buddhism”: 193,000 monthly searches / KD: 57
- “Hinduism”: 106,000 monthly searches / KD: 31
I think religious niches fly under the radar. Here’s what I like about them: Loyal audience: people are passionate about religion so it’s easy to build a loyal audience if you offer the right info. Crossover niche: Religious niches is like the celebrity niche – it can be covered in many crossover niches. For example, you could do a religion and business website. Or a religion and health niche combo. Or you could target a demographic within the religion niche (i.e. moms) and then publish content on any topic but do so in a way that speaks to religious moms. Because it offers so much flexibility, it’s one I like. However, one prerequisite is you need to be religious and it needs to be an important part of your life. I think it would be hard to fake it. You need to inject your faith and personality into the content to build a happy and loyal audience. But if you are passionate about religion, covering any niche with a religious angle is a great way to go.
Content Curation Blog
My Rating: 6/10
This isn’t a niche. It’s a type of website.
You could apply the concept to any niche. Hence, I can’t specify metrics. The concept of content curation as a content format and type is both good and bad. I’ve done some content curation and so I’m familiar with the process. My preferred method of content curation is to cobble together listicles that are a series of snippets of other types of content.
A great example is “25 DIY Mason Jar Projects” where the article features 25 examples of DIY mason jar projects and then links out to the actual tutorial. While this type seems easy to do, it is a fair amount of work to put together. You must research extensively to find the individual snippets (sources) and then put it all together. A lengthy list takes hours to put together. The best and worst part of this type of content is it can rank in search engines really well or not at all. I have no idea why some of these rank well and others don’t. The Web is loaded with this type of content.
Personally, I wouldn’t devote an entire website to content curation, but I think any blogger can publish some curated content as part of the content mix. That’s what I do. My score is on the low side because I wouldn’t want to do an entire site that’s curated, but there is merit in doing some of it. As an aside, it’s arguable that most content on the web is curated in some form. After all, most articles on most topics online are not original information. Most of it is regurgitated except for studies, case studies, ideas and opinions.
Food Niches
My Rating: 7/10
Key Metrics: Search Volume/Keyword Difficulty:
- “Recipes”: 468,000 monthly searches / 76 KD
- “Cooking”: 77,000 monthly searches / 87 KD
- “Baking”: 31,000 monthly searches / 56 KD
- Google Trends: Flat/stable for many years.
- Unbelievable high number of keywords (long tail included).
- Easy to create really great content (text, photos and videos).
- Great for Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube for secondary traffic sources (Google search being the best potential traffic source).
- Great email potential (for sending readers back to the blog).
- Plenty of sub-categories and angles to approach this broad topics.
- Need to experiment with different recipes and come up with something unique.
- Very competitive.
- Not very good affiliate marketing potential.
You should have an interest in cooking/baking because you’ll do a lot of it. The best approach is to actually create recipes, take photos/videos and then publish it. It’s very competitive but there are so many long tail keywords if you really drill down, you should be able to break in to the niche. The key is creating really great recipes. Food blog start-up guide | Food blog sub-niche ideas
Travel Niche
My Rating: 6/10
Key Metrics:
- “Travel”: 248,000 monthly searches
- KD: 98 Google Trends: Downward trend
- Fun niche: You have to travel to do justice to this niche. If you enjoy/can travel, it can be a ton of fun earning money while globe-trotting.
- Start local: Local keywords abound and you can start in your own backyard covering restaurants, attractions, accommodations. This way you wouldn’t have to travel and yet thoroughly cover a location. Eventually you’d have to branch out to get serious traffic unless you live in New York City or some other popular travel destination.
- Stiff competition: The travel booking sites rank really well and cover so many keywords it’s not easy to break into this niche. You’d be wise to choose an angle and deep-dive into it. An angle could be a region or a type of travel.
- Must be patient: It takes a while to gain traction in this competitive environment and you’ll need to publish content that’s unique and that people will want to read. Most people interested in traveling review travel booking sites and travel review sites like Trip Advisor.
- Low affiliate potential: Yes, you can promote travel booking sites, but conversion is low unless you rank for a great “booking intent” keyword. You can also promote travel accessories and gear, which could be great, but again conversion would be low unless you ranked for the right “intent” keywords.
Wedding Niche
My Rating: 8/10
Key Metrics:
- “Wedding” monthly search volume: 141,000
- “Wedding” Keyword Difficult: 85
- Google Trends: Slight downward trend. Strong seasonality.
What I like about this niche:
- This niche can be covered from many angles including dresses, food, hair, nails, rings, photography, venues, travel, fitness, DIY etc. It’s one of those niches with cross-categorization.
- Pinterest can be a good source of traffic.
- There are a lot of high search volume keywords (which come with plenty of competition), but proves it’s a hugely popular niche.
- Plenty of affiliate marketing opportunities.
What I don’t like about this niche:
- Seasonal: Search traffic ramps up on in the spring, peaks and starts dropping fast. I don’t care for seasonal niches.
- Competitive: There are a lot of merchants and local service providers that target many of the keywords.
- High audience turnover: Your individual audience members will lose interest as soon as the wedding is held. Don’t expect a long term loyal audience. On the flip side, there are just as many new individuals becoming interested each year that leave.
Despite the glaring problems with this niche, I rate it high because of the many angles you can cover it. You could also incorporate this niche into other niches. For example, if you publish a DIY website, you could cover DIY wedding topics.
Camping Niche
My Rating: 6/10
With 127,000 monthly searches (Ahrefs) this is a big niche.
My biggest beef with this niche is that it’s seasonal. You’ll get the most traffic during latter Spring, all Summer and early Fall. I’m not a big fan of seasonal niches because I find it not very motivating to work on a site while it’s in a downturn (even though logically I know it’s for high revenue during the good months).
Other than it being seasonal, this is a great niche for the following reasons:
- Loads of low competition keywords;
- Tons of products to promote as an affiliate (and I mean tons);
- Decent ad EPMV rates due to it being a fairly commercial niche;
- Many angles to take – gear and/or travel as well as plenty of sub-niches within the camping sphere.
If you love camping and get a kick out of gear, don’t let the seasonal factor deter you. If camping in any form is your thing, this can be a great niche.
Misc. Niches
News sites
Rating 5/10
The low rating is due to the treadmill nature and short-term aspect of the content.
The reason it’s not lower is if you do it well, you can build up a loyal daily readership which is better than organic search traffic because, well because you’re no longer as dependent on search engines.
That said, you should do all you can to get into Google News because that is an easy, consistent source of traffic. In fact, if you’re well funded, you might be better off buying a site (and paying a premium) if it’s already in Google News.
I’ve never published a news site so I’m not sure all what’s involved, but I suspect if you’re a one person show, you’re best narrowing down into a niche instead of trying to be like a large news network such as CNN or Fox News.
Another approach is to add a news component to an evergreen niche. If you publish a finance blog, include a current articles or finance news section. That’s what I would do.
Budgeting Niche
My rating: 7/10
The budgeting niche is an interesting niche because of the crossover opportunities.
On the face of it, you write about ways to save money. These include:
- Couponing
- Budgeting
- DIY to save money
- Student loans / debt repayment
- Homesteading
- Reusing
As you can see, the approaches to save money end up crossing over into many other niches such as DIY, homesteading, woodworking, etc. because by growing, creating and building stuff yourself you save money.
If you’re a feal DIY’r, this is a good niche for you.
Because so many people have snorfled debt to unmanagable levels in North America, topics revolving around debt repayment and getting out of debt are very popular.
If you want to get into this niche, you should be a real penny pincher and enjoy finding ways to save money. If you’ve managed to pay off ridiculous amounts of debt quickly, that could be a great launching experience for such a blog.
Of course, the irony with such a blog is if you make it a huge success and print money, are you going to continue being a penny pincher or start living like a baller (which could alienate your audience). If you start living like a baller, you may pivot into a “how to make money” type of site. In fact, this type of site can be both a “budgeting” and “make money” site. The two kind of go hand-in-hand.
Monetization: What I like about this niche is the many ways you can monetize. First off, building an email list works really well. Second, there are many high-paying affiliate opportunities. Third, there is also a lot of traffic potential for DIY content so that display ads can pay well. In other words, monetization is a breeze and you should be able to make a ton of money per 1,000 visitors.
Personal Finance
My rating: 8/10 (if you have credentials. If you don’t, it’s a terrible niche).
I was going to lump personal finance in with budgeting but the two really are different. Budgeting is about saving. Personal finance requires saving, but it’s much more including money management, investing, insurance… pretty much all personal money matters for long term financial health.
IMO, you should have credentials such as a CFP and/or CPA to jump into the personal finance niche. There is a lot of technical knowledge needed that you will write about and so you need to know this stuff well. There are serious tax implications, fine print regarding credit cards, loans, insurance products, etc. It’s akin to legal niches where expertise and training is needed.
If you have the expertise, this type of blog could be a great way to grow your Personal Finance business (i.e. attract clients) or be a stand-alone publication. You can build up a huge audience via email, YouTube and podcasting. Heck, some manage to land TV shows (Suzie Orman). The potential with this niche is massive.
Monetization: Like budgeting, you can monetize in many, many ways such as selling courses, sponsored posts, display ads and affiliate promotions. If you have a large and engaged audience, you can make a great deal of money per 1,000 visitors.
Business Niche
My rating: 9/10
Key Metrics:
- “Business”: 364,000 monthly searches
- Keyword difficulty: 90 (that’s a tough one)
- Google trends: Flat
Like the fitness niche, this is one where you’ll need to narrow down your focus. Options include:
- Industry blog such marketing tips for lawyers. This includes business sites like Fat Stacks which is in the “how to blog” niche.
- Business news like (one of my favorite sites).
- Finance-oriented site such as investing or personal finance.
- Real estate investing.
- Careers niche.
You get the idea.
You need an angle of some sort unless you have 50 crackerjack writers/business reporters on your staff. I’ll admit it; I can’t help but give business oriented niches a high rating because I publish 2 business-oriented sites and love it. Business niches are pretty easy for me since I run a business and know a few things about SEO, online marketing etc. which sets the stage for a decent business blog from a variety of angles. You can’t fake this stuff. If you’ve never had any business success, you either need to a solid business journalist who can get stories or it’ll be hard to do well.
One exception is if you have a knack for clever, populist (euphemism for clickbait) topics within the business sphere. Think “net worth” stuff. On the flip side, if you have some business success, whether in the corporate world or your own business, it’s easy and fun. Coming up with great content is easy because you know it so well. Your readers really appreciate the info. It can be very lucrative once you establish a readership.
Careers Niche
My Rating: 6/10
Key Metrics:
- “Careers” monthly searches: 86,000 / Keyword difficulty: 28
- “How to become a paralegal” monthly search volume: 8,100 / keyword difficulty: 9 / CPC: $20
The reason I included cost per click (CPC) info above for “how to become a paralegal” is to show you how insanely high it is. The reason for this is schools earn huge tuition fees attracting students. Accordingly there is huge money in the careers and education niches. These niches largely depend on SEO traffic. You must be decent at SEO to make this work. Your content must be outstanding. There are some very good sites that cover all the “how to become X”. If you want to break in, you must do a very good job.
The plus side is that many schools have affiliate programs that pay very generously; some pay well just for the leads. If you do rank for these valuable keywords, you can earn a lot of money. With respect to a more business oriented site that discusses careers from a business self-help perspective, ad revenue won’t be so high. Traffic potential is okay and there are plenty of topics to cover, but it is limited. Of course you could go the job listings route, but you’ll face extreme competition there. Overall, this niche is not all that beginner friendly unless you’re in a careers-oriented field professionally. It’s competitive. I give it rating above 5 because the potential revenue is very good.
Marketing Niches
My rating: 5/10
Key metrics:
- “Marketing”: 130,000 monthly searches
- Keyword difficulty: 76
The problem with marketing blogs is too many people publish on this topic without any other background, marketing experience or street cred. Here’s what happens way too often. Someone hates their job. They discover that it’s possible to make gobs of money online in their pajamas at home. They read everything on the topic for weeks or even months. At this point, they decide to launch a website. Now they need to choose a niche. They had read somewhere you should choose a topic or niche that interests them. Guess what interests them the most? You got it… they are most interested in making money online via marketing.
What do they do? They launch yet another “internet marketing” blog. But, what could these people possibly tell you about the topic? Not much except what they’ve read. Then, their site starts getting a trickle of traffic … now they have results that they can blog about. The content is then only about the marketing of their marketing blog. This is why I don’t like the niche generally speaking. However, if you’re a former marketing exec or have helped local businesses successfully or have existing successful niche sites, then it’s a terrific blog. Accordingly, for the wrong person (those with no real world experience), this niche gets a 1/10 rating. For the right person, a 10/10 (kinda like the fitness niche). Hence, my overall rating is 5/10.
How to tackle this niche:
- Get real world experience.
- Help some local clients.
- Do SEO for clients.
- Build a successful niche site yourself.
- Land a corporate marketing gig.
Once you do any of this and do it well, you have the background to launch a great marketing blog. In fact, with solid experience behind you, getting traffic and building an audience is super easy. Keep in mind, even with experience, it’s a competitive niche. Making money isn’t easy. Ads don’t pay as well as other niches. You’ll have loads of affiliate competition. The mommy bloggers are in this niche big time and are doing really well (for good reason – some of them really know their stuff and inject some great personality into their work).
Read a lot more on how to start a marketing blog that makes money here.
SEO Niche
My rating: 5/10
“SEO” is searched 215,000 times per month according to Ahrefs in the US and has a CPC of $11.00. That’s one valuable keyword.
On my computer, ranks #1 for SEO. Props to Moz.
Monetization options are plenty and include selling high-priced courses, selling high-priced services, display ads (with high-priced clicks) and of course promoting high-priced products as an affiliate. One constant here is “high-priced”. There’s a fortune to be made in SEO. Just ask Google (or should I say Google shareholders).
While it’s sounding like a winner so far, it isn’t and here’s why.
If you want to pull off a niche site in the SEO arena, you better know how to do SEO. In fact, not only do you need to know how to do it, but you better have some solid results behind you. Whether it’s client work with killer results or your own niche sites, the fact is if you don’t have the results, you don’t have street cred.
Please please please don’t be a loser SEO blogger whose only experience and credibility is ranking your SEO blog. It’s a lousy model. There are too many people who do it.
But, if you do SEO for clients and you’re helping them get rich and/or you rank your own niche sites and are rich, by all means get richer killing it in the SEO niche. Just be prepared to bring your A-game because there is so much money in SEO keywords that it’s very, very competitive. Not only do you need an A-game SEO, you also need to monetize it well.
Celebrity Net Worth
My Rating: 7/10
Key Metrics:
- “Donald Trump Net Worth”: 165,000 monthly search volume / Keyword Difficulty: 18
- “Bill Gates Net Worth”: 153,000 / KD: 43
- “Drake Net Worth”: 94,000 / KD: 9
- “Beyonce Net Worth”: 87,000 / KD: 20
- “Pewdiepie net worth”: 84,000 / KD: 10
- “Jay Z Net Worth”: 82,000 / KD: 14
Google Trends: big upward trajectory
You can thank Forbes Lists for this niche. In 1982 the publication published the first Forbes 400 list which listed the richest 400 Americans. Of course, the internet wasn’t around then, but it didn’t take long for this niche to explode in popularity. There are several big sites that cover this niche. They include lists, but the big traffic comes from “net worth” oriented keywords for individuals. There are literally thousands of people and list angles you can cover. Despite my 7/10 rating, there are problems with this niche.
They are:
- You’re copying other sites… the primary source usually is Forbes who does the research.
- You’re going toe-to-toe on keywords with established publications, although with a little creativity you can find different keyword angles.
- You must update the data regularly
The main reason I like this niche so much is I think there’s a big opportunity in it if you set it up right. It can also be largely outsourced once set up. If it weren’t for this opportunity, I would not score this niche so highly. I also like this niche because you can pretty much write about anything luxury and money related which really does offer a lot of opportunities.
The Interviewer Niche
My Rating: 5/10
Those who can, do. Those who can’t (or won’t), interview. I jest (don’t take me too seriously).
Actually, the interviewer niche can be a super lucrative business and it does require a skill set that many people don’t have (including me).
This niche doesn’t target keywords except for the names of famous folks interviewed (usually in the business realm).
This is how the niche operates. It’s very simple. You interview people. You can grow traffic quickly by piggybacking on the influence and brand of the people you interview.
Probably the best approach is to leverage your interview content into text-based interviews, a podcast and video. You might as well blast the content far and wide.
As your audience grows, you’ll be able to land interviews with bigger names. Tim Ferriss has a huge audience and lands interviews with the biggest business leaders and celebs in the world.
The interviewees do these because of the free exposure they receive. They tap the interviewers’ audience to grow their own. It’s a real win/win.
The key to succeeding is fourfold:
- Have a large audience: If you have a large audience, it’s easier to get bigger names to interview with you (which will further grow your audience). Tim Ferriss had a huge audience before he went down the interview road. He was able to leverage his audience into landing big names, which further grew his brand and audience.
- Be a good interviewer: I don’t know what’s required to be a good interviewer, but you know it when you hear/see it. If you’re able to get people to talk and divulge what they normally wouldn’t, that’s a good start. It’s not a niche I’m in so I don’t know anything beyond that. If you’re interested in tackling this niche, you’d be well served to analyze interviews of the bigger operators in the niche (Tim Ferriss, John Lee Dumas, Pat Flynn, Ellen, etc.).
- Be a good marketer: You need to be able to get lots of eyeballs and ears on your interviews. This requires having a big audience as well as getting the word out in other ways.
- Slick production: It helps if you jazz up your media and polish it with editing. This is tedious (or expensive) work. However, if you want play in the big leagues, this is necessary (another reason I’m not really interested in this approach).
Why a relatively low rating? While the potential is good, most people can’t pull this off. I think there are many other better niche options. Besides, everyone and their dog is in this niche.
A good way to tackle this niche: If you’re keen on this niche, I think it helps to grow your own audience first, then you can land decent interviews. For example, I could probably land some decent interviews on Fat Stacks because of the existing audience.
Kitchen Gadgets Niche
My rating: 3/10
- “kitchen gadgets”: 14,000
- Keyword density: 24
I’m not a big fan of this niche. It’s boring, not terribly evergreen and there’s no cohesive element to it. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying it can’t work or won’t make money. It can work and make money, but it’s like any boring niche that’s product oriented. I have a similar site that bored me to tears just sitting there because it’s no fun to publish. If I worked on it, it would do well, but I just don’t feel like doing it. There’s nothing cool to it. Now, if you incorporated kitchen gadgets into a cooking or recipe website, that’s fun and interesting. But maybe you don’t care if something is boring as long as it works.
Or maybe, you love kitchen gadgets and get excited trying new inventions and enjoy writing about them. One aspect this niche has going for it is the video potential. You can demo the products which I think is easy traffic and exposure on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. These days I like niches where video is effective because video gets traction fairly easily. Monetization is a no-brainer … you promote the gadgets you write about with affiliate links. That makes it easy. With a little creativity you could have fun.
Sneaker Niche
My rating: 8/10
- “Sneakers”: 118,000 monthly searches
- Keyword difficulty: 35
If you like buying sneakers (I don’t), this could be a great niche for you. You get to buy lots of sneakers, wear them and share your opinion. I’m not big on product oriented niches because it’s a treadmill, but the thing with sneakers is there’s a huge audience that loves sneakers. It’s not like publishing a vacuum website where you simply pump vacuums.
Instead, sneakers are a passion product. Some people buy dozens or hundreds of pairs. In other words, it’s a cross of both product and hobby niche which is very cool. What this means is you can build a great email list because people buy new sneakers all the time. It’s not like a vacuum purchase – once purchased people don’t care any more. Moreover, for the price of a 0 to 0 pair of sneakers, you can get photos, videos and loads of awesome content. If sneakers are your thing, you’ll have loads of fun. You can monetize most sneakers with affiliate links.
In fact, for this niche I’m not sure I would use any display ads at all. People buy sneakers without doing much research and will buy them online in droves. That said, there are 2 problems: Difficult to outsource the content: Article writers won’t have your passion for sneakers. You have to write it because this is more than some boring product content. You need to inject it with personality and your passion for sneakers. That means it’s all on you. Content not evergreen: While there are exceptions, sneakers released 2 years ago aren’t relevant. Your content won’t earn in perpetuity because nobody will care. It’s akin to a news site. As product oriented niches go, this is definitely one of the better ones due to the passion it engenders.
Product Review Niche
My Rating: 7/10
Key Metrics:
- Search volume depends on the product line(s) you cover. Varies dramatically.
- Keyword difficulty also varies dramatically depending on product line.
An example of this type of site is a site that focuses on sewing machines. You create the go-to informational affiliate site all about all kinds of sewing machines and earn with affiliate links. Content examples include:
- Product A vs. Product B
- Buying Guides
- Best of product(s)
- Product reviews
- Product related informational content.
- High potential revenue with not much content or traffic;
- Focus on promotion and less on cranking out content;
- Loads of long tail content to rank for;
- Keywords are pretty obvious; and
- Great for people who like SEO.
- Boring to publish;
- Must update regularly as new products enter the market;
- Must go beyond “review” content because merchants rank for those with customer reviews;
- Consider any seasonal aspects of potential product lines (i.e. baseball bats); and
- Larger than average investment because you should buy many of the products.
Learn how to start a review blog here
Car Reviews
My rating: 3/10
- “Car reviews”: 21,000 Monthly searches.
- Keyword difficulty: 60
If you’re into cars, this could be a great niche. Creating the content isn’t hard as long as you can test drive the cars you’re reviewing (or buy one). If you have access to test driving plenty of cars, you’ll have a blast. Get your video cam going, take loads of photos and go for a spin. The review will write itself.
There is plenty of interest in car reviews. Before I leased my recent car, I read umpteen articles and websites that reviewed the car I ended up getting along with comparable cars. I had a lot of fun doing that too because it’s an exciting purchase.
If it’s just you, consider starting out focusing on a specific type of vehicle such as luxury cars, crossovers, SUV’s, electric cars, etc. As your site grows and you make more money, you can expand.
I don’t know firsthand, but I suspect ads pay very well in this niche. The downside financially speaking, is I don’t think there are many affiliate opportunities. I don’t think Amazon sells cars… but it sure would be sweet if they did. 4% on a $30,000 car is $1,200. Dealerships don’t have affiliate programs either.
What I don’t like:
- Not all that evergreen: New cars come out all the time so the lifespan of successful content is limited. People don’t care all that much about a 2011 Ford Focus any more except for the used car market. This is my biggest beef with this niche.
- Lots of local competition: Not only do you compete with the big car review websites, you also compete with local dealership websites and local online newspapers who often cover vehicles.
- It’s not easy to test driving every vehicle: Let’s say you focus on Toyota vehicles… unless you make a deal of some sort, I can’t imagine your local Toyota dealership will let you test drive everything. Of course, you may be able to work out a deal where you promote them, but otherwise, it might be awkward asking to test drive 15 cars in a month.
Sports Niches
My Rating: 4/10
Key Metrics:
- “Sports”: 1,980,000 monthly searches
- Keyword difficulty: 98
- Google Trends: Stable
- Huge search volume: Sports is hugely popular
- Daily interest with audience: During pre-season, regular season and playoffs, your core audience will be very engaged daily or at least weekly.
- Fun: If you follow a particular sport religiously, why not blog about it. Yes, it’s a news-
- Seasonal: In the off-season, your traffic will drop off badly unless you come up with content that people are interested in during the off-season.
- Not very evergreen: Content isn’t very evergreen which means you need to stay on top of the latest news which is a treadmill. With the right systems in place once you’re established, this could be handled without you going crazy. There are also evergreen topics you can cover such as listicles and historical angles that could pull in traffic in the long term.
- Unless you have plenty of resources to properly cover all sports or multiple sports at one time, you need to narrow down to a particular sport in order to do it justice. Another angle is a “how-to” sports blog where you write about how to excel at a particular sport. You must have expertise in order to do a good job, but if you do have expertise, you could sell info products (i.e. instructional courses) and/or promote products as an affiliate. This, while a sports niche, is much different than a sports niche that covers a sport.
Baseball Niche
My Rating: 4/10
Key Metrics:
- “Baseball” monthly search volume: 361,000
- “Baseball” Keyword Difficult: 90
- Google Trends: Steady over the years, seasonal
There are many approaches to the baseball niche. They include:
- How to play, hit, field, pitch, steal bases, etc.
- Baseball league coverage
- Baseball player coverage (quasi celeb website)
- Baseball team coverage
- Baseball for kids
Monetization is limited; mostly ads unless you’re an expert coach, you could sell how-to info products. The how-to angle is limited though and you’d need some expertise. Covering games, players and/or teams is not evergreen. You’re on a treadmill constantly publishing real-time content. It’s a news site. This is fine if you’re a fan and watch the games, but it’s relentless. On the plus side you can develop a following as a commenter which could be fun. Overall, I’m not a big fan of sports niches because they are both seasonal and most of the content is not evergreen. 2 big strikes. But, and this is an important point for every niche listed on this page… if baseball is your passion and writing about it is easy and fun, then go for it. It has potential, but for those of us who are not passionate, it would be a tough slog.
Running Niche
My Rating: 7/10
Key Metrics:
- “Running”: 132,000 monthly searches
- KD: 53
Running has been a stable niche for years and I expect it will remain so. I’m not a runner, so I of course would not be able to publish such a site, but for an avid runner, whether starting out or a veteran, this is an easy blog niche to pursue. There are many, many topics to cover as well as many, many products to promote. Consider shoes, apparel, treadmills and gadgets. Competition isn’t light, but it’s also not excessively competitive. There are a good number of long tail keywords to cover. You would definitely need to bring your A-game to content in order to break into the niche and get organic search traffic. You could easily integrate with diet, cooking, fashion and even travel, which is a big reason I rate this niche fairly high. If you’re a very good writer or hire a great writer, you could build up a following, which is about the best you could hope for.
Tech Niches
My Rating: 9/10
There are many, many angles for a tech blog so I won’t kick off with a seed keyword.
Angles you could cover include:
- Gadgets: smartphones, laptops, apps, tablets, accessories, consumer electronics, etc.
- Software: Whoa, so many options here that are so good. I’ve always done well promoting software. That’s why I rate a tech blog so highly. Most of my niche sites include a software/tech angle.
- News: Tech news about tech companies and innovation
- Investment: You could do an investment website focusing on tech companies.
My favorite tech angle is software. Cloud software pays recurring affiliate commissions. The content is very evergreen; you may need to update the content now and then as the software evolves, but the software name is the software name and doesn’t need new content. My least favorite is a tech gadget site. Tech gadgets have a lot of competition and is not very evergreen. Product life cycles are short. I rate this a 9/10 because of the software angle and I like tech, so I’m a bit biased here.
Questions / Suggested Niches? Leave a Comment Below

Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.
You apparently wrote an attention seeking value added content, it was very helpful for me to figure out either I was doing right or wrong with my blog , I consulted some so called SEO gurus to review my site and they provided mix feedback. I wish some senior here check my site and lemme know does it work or not. Thanks!
Hey Fat Stacks!
I am curious how you would rate music blogs?
Or would these go down in reviews/lifestyle/product review?
Thanks in advance!
Good question Sophie. I think they’re fun but I suspect not lucrative. Kind of like movie review blogs but I could be wrong.
Thanks. This is incredibly rich and helpful. I have a question, please. Under which Niche/Category do, say, “journey-type” blogs fall? – – i.e. blogger not an expert on a topic, yet, but want to share/inspiring others, along the way? I’m studying/transitioning to owning a copywriting business (separate business website). This “personal blog”, kicked-off that journey. Besides the blog being an outlet to write, I hope to inspire others to “find/do” their true passion, through articles, and curated content, somehow, leading to monetization (eventually). Is there a specific Niche/rank for that, please? J
Hi Joy, I really don’t care for “journey” blogs. Once you have a successful copywriting biz by all means start up a blog about copywriting but not before. How on earth could you possibly help anyone if you’re floundering yourself? I just don’t like them so I wouldn’t put them in any category.
Thanks for your rich and helpful article. What I am missing here, is some kind of Directory Niche. Like for example, a directory for small scale producers who can list there stuff (eggs, vegies) …
Hey Nicolas, I’m not really into directory niches or sites so can’t really comment on them. I wouldn’t launch one.
Great post full of useful information! Thank you.
I have one question. How do you start with a software blog though? Isn’t this niche highly competitive and needs to get traffic mostly from Google? I don’t think Pinterest would work well here, wouldn’t it? And a new website for Google is pretty much non-existent – has 0 authority. Would be glad to know your opinion.
Hello Jon,
How are you? This is an extensively great list. Can you please share some of the micro-niches? I am into health and want to create a micro-niche site. What are the chances of diabetes sites like diabetes home remedies ? Please tell me if this will work.
Gaming is far competitive IGN, Kotaku and all this big corporations. During covid lifestyle like home cooking and gardening EXPLODED!
Thank you for your blog post about 40 Top Niche Site Ideas for Your Blog for 2020.. Great and very useful information to know about the pros and cons of each niche. I will bookmark this site for reference.
This is really very helpful, glad that I came across your site. You have done a deep research about the niche.
I cannot thank you enough for this great blog post. Really thank you! it will help me determine my next step
Hi, thanks for the interesting angle. I would say if someone decides to start a blog the 1st one should be about the niche where they are experts in. It might be a blog about so popular topics such as Pinterest if they have unique experience with this platform. Even if you pick up a successful and growing niche but you know nothing about, it won’t bring any profits. If someone decides to enter next niches they need to be aware to spend time to get relevant knowledge. Myself I know very successful blogs/YouTube channels in less popular and narrow niches such as succulents, positive psychology, or facelifting for ladies 50+.
Now I am gonna start working on Pet niches as there are much more possibilities and scope to grow. It’s the one niche I think will always grow.
Thank’s sir.
Such incredible advice for the beginners, I was just about to start a site that was health-related you obviously saved a lot of hard work that I would have done blindly. Kudos to fat stacks blog
Heloo sir .I wrote all of those above niche ideas on my notebook .I have a question plzz.i want to run a blog and monitize through adsnese on Sports niche for example I cover about football sub nice .so my blog should be only about that or I can cover other type of sports in a single site ???and what seed keyword it would be for football .please help me out. Thanks
You could cover just football or go multi-sport. Either approach works.
Hey Jon,
Your post is very informative and effective.
You have mention the awesome list of niche which contains many good niches,useful for business. Health niche is nice to use in business which can attract readers towards our business.
thank you
Awesome post you have mention all things in detail.
I am also an blogger and i write blog on same topic
so you can see our efficiency at:
Very useful post. Thank you for sharing.
For beginner, pet niche is a good choice.
Thank You for Giving Large number of Awesome Niche Idea. Thank Once again🙏
I totally agree with your point of view and what about the freelance niche? Like can we incorporate it like a big money niche with freelancing?