Review Reveals These Ads Can Earn a Truckload of Money ($350+/Day) Review and How I Earn $400 Per Day with Ads

  • Revenue Per 1,000 Pageviews (RPM)
  • Customer Service
  • Ad Designs
  • Reporting


UPDATE: I’m currently not using ads on my niche sites because I changed up my ad network configuration (see what I’m doing here).

User Review
3.5 (2 votes)
Comments Rating 2 (1 review)
UPDATE February 11, 2019
I’m currently not using ads on my my niche sites.  I used them for years, but adjusted my configuration which excludes units.  I used this network for years and it’s still a viable option for niche sites, especially when starting a blog.  You can see my current fleet of ad networks here.

I’ve been monetizing my niche sites with display ads for several years.

FYI, my main dispaly ad revenue source is from the Ezoic platform (read my Ezoic review and case study of results).

To say I’ve researched the subject is an understatement.  I’ve purchased many courses and read countless blogs and forum threads on the subject all in an effort to improve my display ad revenue.

My efforts have paid off.  I generate over $100,000 per month in display ad revenue (profiting $40,000 to $45,000 per month).

There’s quite a bit of information about Adsense, but not so much about ads.  Sure, there are loads of bloggers trying to cash in on the “alternatives to Adsense” topic and include as an option… but very few people have demonstrated that actually makes them serious money.

I’m writing this to show you that (10% bonus revenue for first 3 months with this link) can generate a great deal of revenue for a website.

The following is a screenshot of my revenue (screenshot taken November 19,  2014): Revenue for November 2014

UPDATE – April 22, 2015

My revenue continues to grow and is becoming a more and more important revenue stream for niche sites.  Here’s an updated earning screenshot: earnings screenshot April 2015


As you can see, ads can generate some decent revenue.  I’m on par to hit five figures this month (November 2014) from revenue alone.  At this pace, I’ll hit 6 figures in 2015.

And get this, I place all my ads in the lower portion of my site reserving the top ad spots for Adsense.  If I couldn’t use Adsense, I’m sure would earn far more by being placed toward the top of my niche blog.

My 3 Most Valuable Tips for Getting to $400+ Per Day with Ads:

Watch the Video


Is a viable alternative to Adsense?

No, it isn’t.  By this I mean that I would NOT earn as much with as I do Adsense if I placed ads in the premium ad spots on my niche sites.

Just so you know, I use in addition to Adsense.  Yes, I use both on every page.  And yes, I use the maximum number of ad units on each page resulting in 6 ad units per page (3 Adsense and 3  However, my niche blog articles are looooooong, incorporating a great deal of media and text.

That said, if you are no longer eligible to use Adsense, has proven to be the second largest display ad revenue source on my niche blogs, so it’s definitely worth using.  I’ve placed many ads from many networks on my niche blogs and consistently outperforms all of them except Adsense.

To be fair to, I’ve never actually tested swapping my Adsense ads with ads.  I know I should test, but I really don’t want to take a hit for even one day on my Adsense revenue. Benefits

1.  Dedicated customer service representative

With your account you get a customer service rep with whom you can email.  They respond within 24 hours (often much faster).  They will also make suggestions to improve performance.

2.  Ads comply with SSL certificate

In August 2014 I installed an SSL certificate on one of my niche blogs (to see if I would get more organic search traffic from Google who announced SSL certificates are now a positive ranking factor).  The biggest problem with SSL certificates is that many advertising networks’ ads are not SSL compliant.  I had to drop 3 advertisers.  Fortunately, ads are SSL compliant.  However, you do have to get your rep to provide you the ad code.

3.  High converting ad design options

The ad units look like navigation menus.  This is brilliant because it results in a very high CTR.  That said, it’s a 2-click revenue system, which means you only earn revenue on the landing page to which the ad sends visitors once the second link is clicked.

Nevertheless, when it’s all set up right and properly optimized, you can still earn great revenue despite the 2-click process.

4.  Large ad options

I love the 600×250 and 300×600 ad units.  They perform well.

5.  You’re permitted to place ads in sticky or fixed sidebar zones

This is a HUGE benefit.  You cannot place Adsense ads in a floating/fixed/sticky sidebar zone, but you can place ads in these zones.  One of my niche sites generates more than $4,000 per month with one ad units in the sticky zone – read more here.

6.  View live ad impression count

This feature doesn’t help you earn, but it’s kind of cool.  When you log into your dashboard, there’s a live impressions real-time counter.  You can actually see the number of impressions increase while in the dashboard. Wish List

1.  Real-time revenue reporting

You have to wait until the following day to find out how much revenue you generated the day before.  I don’t like this.  I like seeing how I’m doing throughout the day… especially when testing new ads.

2.  Better revenue metrics and data

The degree of detail in the reporting is pretty weak.  For example, you can’t track revenue on a URL-basis like you can with Adsense.  I love being able to see how much I’m making from individual URLs, but unfortunately I have to speculate with  Overall ,their reporting features aren’t nearly as detailed as Adsense.

3.  Many ads are a 2-click revenue model

I’ve alluded to this above.  For many of the ad formats, you don’t get paid until the second ad is clicked.  Obviously it would be better to get paid from the first click.

I didn’t get to $400+ per day with overnight

Similar to a lot of Adsense testing, I’ve done quite a bit of testing with in order to get my revenue to five figures per month.  My customer rep helped quite a bit.

Actually it’s kind of funny, because it’s my customer rep who went ahead one day with a different design and placed it on my site.  Anyway, I saw the different design and became alarmed.  BUT, I decided to let it ride for a day to see what happened.

As it turned out, the customer rep knew their stuff.  Their ad design dramatically increased my revenue.  Needless to say I’m using that design to this day.

What’s involved when optimizing revenue with ads?

You need to test a number of variables such as:

  • Ad style ( offers multiple templates to choose from for each size).
  • Ad sizes
  • Ad placement
  • Ad design (refers to font and colors).

With all of those variables, you can spend months testing.  That’s what I did with a lot of help and suggestions from my rep.

Tip to Make More with Ads

It took me a while to figure this out.

Most of the ad designs appear like website navigation menus.  This is great because with proper placement, the click through rate is very high.  The downside is you don’t generate revenue on the first click.  You only generate revenue on the second click.  When the menu-style ad is clicked, it takes the visitor to a landing page containing a long list of links.  Those links are ads.  When one of those links are clicked, you get paid.

One way to dramatically increase the number of second clicks (so you get paid) is to ask your rep to create the landing page so it appears like your site.  They did this for me very quickly.  The page shows my logo and uses my site’s colors.  This way it appears as my site, which dramatically increased conversion and revenue.

=> Click here to sign up for (bonus 10% revenue for first 3 months with this link)

Get All of My Ad Secrets for FREE

Learn and see screenshots of the exact ad designs, styles, placement and sizes I use to generate $400+ per day.

My current ad networks:

Monumetric:  This is my highest earning ad network.  They provide middle of the content sticky units and a sidebar sticky unit as well as video ads and regular non-stick ads.  They use header bidding.  All-in-all, I’m very happy with my ad revenue results with this ad network.

AdSense:  Yes, I still put a couple of AdSense units on my pages such as link ads, in-article units and the Matched Content units.

119 thoughts on “ Review Reveals These Ads Can Earn a Truckload of Money ($350+/Day)”

  1. Really nice piece of information.
    I have recently started with and finding only text ads are being shown but i want to show only display ads on my website can you help me on that issue.

    1. ads are by default text ads. The backfill will be display ads, but you can ask to turn that off. If you only want 3rd party display ads, I’m not sure they offer that. You’d have to contact them.

  2. Thanks for sharing ! In my opinion, even if is great; Adsense still the number one in the market. But, bloggers often search for alternatives as getting approved by adsense these days is really hard.

      1. wont approved me, and adsense banned me and blogger network wont aceppt. do you have any other ppc networks like adsense

  3. Hey Jon, really appreciate the review. Been considering (just got approved) but curious as to their ballpark CPMs. I love that I can use 3 additional zones in addition to adsense, but want to make sure the CPM increase will justify potential cannabilization

    Also a side question, do you have an tech or suggestions on how to split test native networks (ie taboola, outbrain, etc)? I was looking at which looks great but a little concerned about the data/privacy and going with a company I know nothing about.

    1. Hey Tom,

      I suspect the CPM increase will be worth it. I’ve talked to few publishers who haven’t benefited, but it’s true works better in some niches than others.

      I don’t use native ads much on my site so I don’t have any solid suggestions for split testing native ad networks for revenue.

    1. I’ve never heard of adsoid so I can’t comment on them. As for you’ll just have to try them and see what it earns you.

  4. Dear Jon
    I’m surprised to seeing your report $700/day with Three years before when I started with I earned $300/month for few months. But from last two years I never could earn even $100/month. Sometimes I earn $100 hardly in two months. I’m sending you the link of my website please suggest me how can I earn minimum $500/month. Some of my friends websites having lower quality than mine earning more than $500/600 per month. I will be grateful if you can help me in this regard.

    1. More traffic helps. Also, works great in some niches and not so great in others. It’s worth trying but if RPM is ridiculously low then there may be other other options. For example, works great for me but native ads don’t earn much at all for me. Each niche is unique.

  5. That’s crazy, I’ve been getting e-mails from for YEARS now asking for us to join their network for one our our blog networks. I always ignored their e-mails as they came off as kind of spammy and unprofessional. But after reading your experience with them, I’ll have to give them a try.

    I kind of wish I had saved their e-mails now. 🙂

    1. I relate. I get emails from ad networks all the time. In my experience, is top tier with performance and customer service. I hope works out well for you.

    1. Hey Jon,

      I’m not sure. They are pretty picky with overall website quality and traffic. I’d ask them. They never told me a minimum monthly page view threshold.

  6. Thanks a lot Jon for this review over I was just stumbling around and found some decent looking ads on a website, I searched and found it was using, that’s why I went on to look for any genuine review. Thanks again and cheers for such a great revenue.

  7. This post has given me reason to give a try, I have infact bookmarked the page. You seem to have some experience with as i see some people complain alot about them probably because they lack the requisite optimization knowledge that will put them in the fore front of earnings. Nice Post

    1. Depends on the niche, placement, ad design, country and niche to name a few variables. It’s impossible to say without just adding the units to your site and finding out how much it earns.

  8. Hi, My medianet ad was performing for the first few days. but after that, it always showing my earnings as 0. Now i removed it. Is it by any mistake by me or something else.

  9. Do you ever experience high impressions and no revenue? Maybe I don’t understand the rev-share program, but I assumed it was impression based. There are days where I receive thousands of visitors but no revenue. I understand this if the traffic is questionable, but most arriving from Google or Bing.

  10. I have tried for a month now. My site gets 120K views a month but each day my revenue is almost always under $5.00. My niche is personal finance. I’ve contacted my rep and I haven’t gotten any response. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Any tips? Thanks.

    1. Unfortunately the do not help. At all. That’s the point if you earn much. Thea are not interested in your revenue. A year ago I had to search for the alternative after they “missed” my 2nd payment.

  11. Hi Jon, thanks for your nice article. But, my cpm is showing $0 from last 5-6 days. Initially it was $2. Also, they are not replying my mails. I even found from Google search that many publishers have the same problem. I need your suggestions. Thank you very much.

    1. I suspect your niche isn’t a good fit then. I’ve seen that in some niches while in other niches performs spectacularly. It’s odd, but that’s been my experience with my sites and sites owned by colleagues I know.

  12. I like the article. but i face similar issue with as other faces. After getting approved by them I earn good amount of money for first few days but later my earning drops to zero. However my blog traffic grows simultaneously. I also had contacted my account manager but get no satisfactory replied. Currently sticking with Adsense.

    1. Hi Vishwajeet,

      I think then isn’t a great fit for you. is a strange beast – it can work tremendously well in some niches and not perform at all in other niches.

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