Monumetric Review
Reporting Data
Customer Support
Ad Quality
Monumetric is an excellent ad network with fast-loading ads, multiple sticky unit options, header bidding and excellent customer service. They’re now my highest earning ad network.
The reporting dashboard is pretty cool and informative but their biggest problem is the reporting delay. Often reporting is behind 1 to 2 days, which is inconvenient.
Nevertheless I think any website monetizing with display ads should try Monumetric to monetize those low-revenue ad locations since it pays on a PPV basis.
Ease-of-Use: It’s easy to place ad tags on your site or let Momumetric place the ad units.
Ad Quality: The ads load fast and perform well. The technology is excellent.
=> Monumetric
Updated January 21, 2019
Here’s the latest update. I also updated information throughout this entire Monumetric review.
Monumetric is now my highest earning ad network for all niche sites. In other words, it’s my #1 ad network. Yes, it earns more than AdSense (a tad more). Yes, I use both Monumetric ad tags and AdSense ad tags on my sites.
My history with Monumetric
I’ve used Monumetric on and off for several years. In the beginning, their units were incremental revenue. I didn’t put them in that many premium placements. As their technology improved, I ramped up their placements in 2016. However, that time having multiple Monumetric ads on my sites slowed down my sites. I removed the ads.
In July 2018, Monumetric reached out to me and told me their ads no longer slowed down sites, that they have some great sticky units and that they were using header bidding technology. I decided to give them a shot again. I started slowly. Results were great. By August 2018 I ramped up their units across my sites and haven’t looked back. They are now my highest earning ad network.
Here are earnings screenshots for 2 of my niche sites for January 2019:
Site 1

Site 2
Recent Monumetric developments and improvements
- No longer slowing down websites (this was an issue 2 years ago)
- In-screen sticky (middle of content) and sidebar sticky ads are very big earning ad units.
- Monumetric uses header bidding (increased RPMs very nicely).
All-in-all, I’m very happy with Monumetric. I give their units premium placements across all my niche sites.
Previous Monumetric Update September 1, 2016
On August 11, 2016 Monumetric included me in an Alpha “enhanced” publisher program. The revenue results were nothing short of spectacular. Check out the massive bump in revenue:
Before the revenue bump, I was super happy with Monumetric results. Now I’m ecstatic.
The best part…
As of August 31, 2016, Monumetric has rolled out its enhanced publisher revenue program to all publishers. Apply here… you’ll be glad you did
What is Monumetric?
It’s an ad network that pays out on a PPV basis. It used to be The Blogger Network. They’ve rebranded to Monumetric.
They have video ads, Ed Exchange ads, header bidding and direct relationships with advertisers. The direct relationships, sticky ad units and header bidding enable them to deliver really good PPV rates for publishers.
One thing that intrigued me immediately was that they paid out on a PPV (pay per view) basis. What this means publishers earn revenue just from the ads displaying. Clicks on the ad are not necessary.
Moreover, you don’t have to have an AdSense account to use Monumetric ads. This is huge if you’ve been banned by AdSense because Monumetric revenue is really good.
What’s so great about PPV based ads?
What I love about PPV ads is that they’re perfect for monetizing areas of a site that don’t typically earn well. For me, that’s the middle sidebar, below the fold and footer.
Proof of Revenue
Here’s a screenshot of my Monumetric revenue trajectory. It’s not bad. The higher it gets, the more excited I get.
Again, the revenue above, while not life-changing, is purely incremental. I don’t have Monumetric ads in premium spots; instead they’re in the middle of my sidebar and footer.
Implementing Monumetric Ads on Your Website
It’s pretty simple. There are 2 approaches.
1. Manual placement
Once you sign up and are approved, your rep will ask you how many of each ad size you’d like to have. Your rep will get the tags to you within one to two business days.
Once you have the ad tags it’s simply a matter of placing the ad tag code where you’d like the ads to appear.
2. Let Monumetric do it
You can opt to let Monumetric optimize your ad placements if you like.
I prefer manual placement.
Video Ads Included
I’ve tested some video ads over the last year mostly with disappointing results.
Monumetric is the first ad network that’s offered a great video ad solution for me
Monumetric offers silent video ads in the 300 x 250 px ad units. Hence I use mostly 300×250 units on my site because the video ads pay out well.
The videos show up quickly and are silent so they don’t scare visitors. I think you know what I’m talking about when I say scare.
I’ve been to many sites with my computer volume turned up only to have some obnoxious video ad start blaring automatically. I hate that. Fortunately Monumetric video ads are silent, yet they still attract visitors’ attention because it’s video.
Update January 2019: I don’t use Monumetric’s video ad because I use another video ad that I really like. However, the one I use requires 1 million monthly page views. Therefore, if you don’t have that many page views, I suggest giving Monumetric’s video ad a shot.
Header Bidding
Monumetric started using header bidding for their ad networks which apparently speeds up bidding and increases competition/revenue for each ad spot. I used Monumetric before header bidding and have noticed a nice increase in revenue.
Sticky Units
This is my favorite offering because they earn so well. Monumetric offers an in-screen sticky unit in the middle of the content as well as sticky sidebar ads. These 2 ads are key to my excellent revenue with Monumetric and I highly recommed you give them a shot. In fact, these 2 units alone make Monumetric worth joining.
Main Benefits of Monumetric
- PPV: The ad units pay out on a pay per view basis which makes them perfect for monetizing low revenue ad locations.
- Sticky units: I really like the in-screen and sidebar sticky units. These units pay very well for me.
- Use Many Units: While I restrict the number of ad units to 5 per page, I could have more on my site if I wanted to.
- Video ads: The network includes video ads which helps increase revenue.
- Amazing incremental income: If you are happy with your current ad networks, Monumetric could add some nice incremental ad revenue with some below-the-fold units. That’s how I started with them and slowly ramped up the number of ad units and placements over time based on their exceptional performance.
- Outstanding customer service: My rep gets back to me always within 24 hours (business hours). She’s super friendly and the entire team is very helpful. They even went so far as to integrate my Unified Ad Marketplace account (Amazon Publishing Services) into my Monumetric ads, which increased demand.
- Ads.txt file provided and updated: Monumetric handles the Ads.txt file and keeps it updated. I’m also able to add custom entries from other ad networks.
Can you use Monumetric ads in addition to AdSense and other ad networks?
Yes, you can. I do. I use AdSense, Monumetric and a video ad on my sites. The combination works great.
However, Monumetric offers exclusive arrangements with select publishers. What this means is if a publisher agrees to only display Monumetric ads, Monumetric may guarantee a minimum RPM. While I haven’t taken them up on this offer, I think it could be a very good option for some publishers. Note, you are not obligated to only show Monumetric ads.
Can you manually place the ad units?
Yes. You can have Monumetric do it or you can do it yourself. I prefer doing it myself because I’ve tested configurations so extensively (with Ezoic) that I know exactly where to put ads for the best revenue.
I have 1 issue where I think Monumetric could be improved.
1. Reporting delay: The reporting data is pretty good, but there’s usually a 1 to 3 day delay. I’d love to have real-time reporting or at the very least reliable next-day reporting.
I’ve tried many ad networks in an effort to squeeze very single nickel from my site.
Most ad networks are a bust.
However, I’m glad I gave Monumetric a shot. Over the years I’ve done very well with Monumetric and now they’re my number one ad network based solely on performance.
I strongly recommend any website that monetizes with ads to give this ad network a shot.
=> Click here to sign up to Monumetric

Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.
I have just been approved for Monumetric and ads should be live on my site withing 24-48 hours! I am only 5k sessions away from Mediavine requirements, but since I’ve heard/read such good things from Monumetric, I want to give them a fair shot. What is your average RPM (out of curiosity) compared to adsense?
Hey Melissa,
That’s great. I don’t discuss RPM because it’s against AdSense TOS. Moreover, it varies so much niche to niche site. My RPMs vary quite a bit across my sites.
Hey Jon. I have been following your blog for a while. I have a website which discusses “universal health care” and I put Google ads on the site, which is the only way to monetize the website. The thing is the visitors who came to discuss don’t really click on any ads or there are not many sponsors so the bid is low. Even though I can get 1K visitors a day, what I earn from the site is pretty much few dollars a day. From what you can see, would Monumetric really worth a try for a website like mine? I don’t see many reviews about Monumetic from anywhere else for some reason and most of comments on this article seems out of date so I hope you can give me some more feedback, which would be deeply appreciated.
Hey Jerry,
Yes, try Monumetric. You may be able to dramatically increase revenue. It’s worth a shot.
Thank you, Jon.
I guess 30,000 pageviews per month is not enough because below is the reply I got from them.
Thank You For Your Request!
We don’t currently offer advertising services for sites of your size. We recommend focusing on growing your pageviews before focusing on your advertising. The more ad impressions you have, the more advertisers will be begging to work with you!
Hi Jerry, I’m sorry they didn’t take you on. Keep growing and then reapply.
I am only in Adsense, it is worth paying the $99. set up fee to get in Monumetric ad network over just staying with Adsnese with monthly page views of around 10K
Hey Susan, that’s a tough call. The thing is in some niches Monumetric outperforms AdSense spectacularly and in other niches not so much. If you were getting 50K monthly visits, that is worth it. 10K isn’t all that much. I’d probably wait until you have more page views.
I am tempted to join Monumetric but all these reviews are focused in blogs. I run a non English medium travel community that has + 350k views / month. Is this network good for a forum or should I try other? Any advice on the best network for forums?
Hi Pedro,
I don’t publish forums so I have no idea how Monumetric or other ad networks would perform. It comes down to trying a few out and going with what works best for you.
I am a disabled man who has ms looking for free ways to make money from home can you help me.
I have a content curating site that posts articles can I use this type of ads on my site, we have a lot of content but no videos
I was researching alternatives to Adsense since it was not generating very much revenue. Then I came across your site and decided to give Monumetric a try. Although my site traffic has just grown to about 3300 hits a day, I wasn’t convinced I would qualify. To my surprise I was accepted and did not have to pay the $99 sign up fee because my blog is getting over 80K hits a month. I went live with them about a week ago so it’s much too early to see how much revenue Monumetric will generate on monthly basis. I like the fact that I have a dedicated account manager to answer my questions or concerns. Thanks for the article.
Thanks for sharing this information, very useful. Have a great day.
Video Ads
I wonder what platform do you use for your video ads, I’ll have 1 M+ page views in my website and I don’t want to miss the better platform. Please advise, privately or publicly. Thank you
I use Playbuzz video ad.
Great article, keep up the good work!
Josh – I’ve been with Monumetric since you recommend them. Are you still with them? I’ve noticed ads aren’t displaying like they used to. Support isn’t responding to emails. The February payment is late. Have you heard anything?
well written.. thank you for sharing.
Hi Jon, Can i have adsense ads in my website while applying for monumetric? Since my site is doing fairly well with adsense, i don’t wanna miss out the revenue while applying for it, which some says even can take upto a month or so to get approval and set up the ads.
Will that be a no no like where you need to remove the adsense while applying for it?
Would really appreciate your help! Thanks in advance