Nobody likes waiting.
I sure don’t.
I want more traffic now.
So do you.
It’s hard to work at something when the pay off is a year or two down the road.
But wait you must in this business.
The good news is that some things work faster than others.
For example, getting traffic from Pinterest can be much faster than Google.
I suggested as much in a previous email.
I have proof this time.
My top 10 pins created in the last 30 days sent 16,868 visits to my niche site.
Here’s a screenshot:
Those are NOT my best-performing pins of all time.
Those are the best-performing pins created in the last 30 days.
That’s an average of 1,686 visitors per top-performing pin.
Guess how long it took to create each pin?
On average, it takes 5 minutes and 15 seconds to create a pin.
Of course, I pinned way more than 10 pins over 30 days. I pin 30 per day. It’s a numbers game.
On the flip side, top-performing pins #11 to #50 did well too. I’m sure if I added up all the traffic from all pins created in the last 30 days, the traffic would be 25K or higher.
I doubt I’ve ever driven 16,000 visits from Google from content only 30 days old.
There you have it. Pinterest traffic is faster than Google.
My Pinterest account has a lot of followers. 149,000 to be almost exact.
That gives me an advantage. A big one.
I’m not here to tell you that by day 30 of a new Pinterest account you can send 16,000 visitors to your blog. It’s possible but highly unlikely. You’d have to get really lucky or have a knack at this stuff.
But I can tell you that pinning regularly should generate SOME traffic faster than Google.
What’s the best way to get fast traffic from Pinterest?
In my opinion, the best way is to focus on quality pins that are fresh.
Treat Pinterest as a search engine rather than a viral machine.
Think long term rather than short term.
When I implemented this new approach to Pinterest, I grew my Pinterest traffic from 74,000 monthly visitors to 300,000 monthly visitors in 7 or 8 weeks. Mind you, I published 30 pins per day, which is a lot. I also have over 100,000 Pinterest followers (149,000 at the time this blog post was published).
Here’s a recent screenshot showing Pinterest traffic to my website over the course of a recent 30 day period:
Nevertheless, changing strategies and sticking with it made a huge difference.
While my Pinterest strategy is simple, I do things, including design pins in ways that is different than other folks. I came up with my own process and pin designs. Don’t forget to check out Tony Hill’s Pinterest course “Pin Point Traffic” course.

Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.
Jon, what are the limits of your posting to Pinterest?
1) For example, no more than 30 subscriptions per day and no more than 10 pins or how?
2) And please advise a program with which you could automatically add Watermark to all pictures? Highlight 10 images and automatically add text to them
Thank you!
Hey Alex, my pinterest course goes through pin volume. As for watermark, I don’t use such a software but I’m sure if you Google it there are several free options for you.