I’m helping a good friend with his newish niche site.
Recently, I advised that he choose a sub-topic within his niche and cover it from every angle. There’s at least 100 articles worth of topics and questions to cover. It’ll take him a bit but he has the expertise for the topic so it’ll be great. His initial articles are outstanding so he can easily turn this into the best resource on the topic on the Web.
I checked what’s currently ranking on pages one and two of Google and I know he can easily do better.
Once he publishes the first 100 articles he’ll probably be getting 100K+ monthly search visitors per month. I recognize this will take time given he has a job and young kids. But at least he has a game-plan.
The only thing standing between now and earning a few thousand per month with his first niche site is time and effort.
I sent him four Ahrefs-generated spreadsheets containing all the keywords he needs. I applied a series of various filters and seed keywords so it’s comprehensive. I didn’t comb through the spreadsheets but there’s easily 100 article opportunities.
Here’s what I told him.
1. Start with the keywords with 0 to 3 keyword difficulty.
2. Move up the keyword difficulty ladder from there.
3. Your goal: The absolute best guide and series on the topic on the Web.
4. Eventually you will cover topics that are competitive, but that’s okay. They are necessary to comprehensively cover the overall topic.
Think of it as if you were writing a book on the topic.
It’s that simple.
Choose a niche.
Drill down and choose a sub-niche.
Come up with 25 to 100 articles within the sub-niche. If you drill down far enough, you’ll find plenty of keywords with no or little competition.
Start writing. Don’t come up for air until the series is done.
Interlink it all in a way that makes sense for website visitors. What I mean by this is you don’t want to interlink 50 articles with 50 articles. Tie them all together with one parent or cornerstone article but then interlink the subordinate articles by relevancy.
100 articles with an average 1,800 words is 180,000 words. That’s a big book.
So approach it as if you are writing a book because you are.
What happens when the series (aka book) is done and published?
Find your next topic for a cluster.
Rinse and repeat.
The good news is your next series will likely rank and get traffic faster because your site now has inbound links and authority.
Results come faster.
It’s very exciting.
If you played your cards right, you may even qualify for AdThrive or Mediavine ad networks after the first book.
Which means you’ll be earning maximum ad revenue.
That’s exciting.
You are now in the publishing business.
A few more “books” and you could be earning more from your website than the average household income.
A few more on top of that and you could be earning more per month than the average annual household income.
The difference between me and my friend is I’ve published many articles and clusters.
What’s next on my plate for my niche sites?
You guessed it. More clusters. I’m still targeting easy-to-rank keywords. I’m constantly adding content. I do now what I did when I started.