6 thoughts on “Goal-Setting for Bloggers and Niche Site Operators”

  1. hello
    Can i ask you about your theme ?
    you already have mentioned you use bimber ( as i remember )
    but is it the theme you use for fatstacks ?

    I have already bought bimber but it is hard for me to customize i think i need some time to be more adapted to it.

  2. And really thank you for your detailed posts and income reports I am following your blog and subscribed to your email list for about 1 year now and it was really helpful for me.

  3. Hi Jon, I totaly agree with you on setting goals. You tend to lose focus and chase the “shiny new things” if you don’t have a goal. I like to set goals but for each site. It keeps me very well focused on it’s performance and give me a clearer roadmap in which to meet those site goals.

    BTW we share similar goals. I want 5 sites in different niches each earing 10K.

    Thanks for always writing excellent content.

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