AdSense Auto Ads Review (After Using for 2 Weeks)

Ad split testing image

In latter half of 2017 AdSense rolled out what they call “Auto Ads”.


I believe it’s still in beta.  I’m not sure it’s available for every AdSense account, but it’s definitely a product AdSense likes to promote inside AdSense accounts.

AdSense Auto Ads was released to all accounts on February 20, 2018.  If you have an AdSense account, it’s now available to you.

I’m still using the in-article auto-placement via Auto Ads and really like it.  I’m not getting rich from it, but it puts money in my pocket every day and they are actually decent looking ads in the middle of content.

I’ve turned Auto Ads off on my highest traffic niche site late this afternoon, Feb. 22/18.


Because Ezoic sent me some alarming information about using Auto Ads with additional ad networks.

I’ll be monitoring revenue changes after turning them off and in the event revenue takes a worst hit than I expect, I’ll make some adjustments with other ads and go from there.


What is AdSense Auto Ads?

AdSense Auto Ads is letting AdSense split test ad placements on your site.  You add a snippet of code to your site and AdSense injects different ad formats (you can pick and choose which formats get tested) in different placements across desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

Am I using AdSense Auto Ads?

Yes, I am but in a limited way.

Here’s how I use AdSense Auto Ads.  I still manually place best-performing ads via Ad Inserter plugin and Advanced Ads plugins, and then use Auto Ads to inject AdSense in-article ads.  I also have the mobile anchor unit and Vignettes turned on.

My main reason for using this is for automatic placement of the AdSense in-article native ads.  I actually really like those ads.  They span full width of content and look well.  They also get clicked and earn well.

Do the AdSense Auto Ads Earn a Lot of Money?

I earn 10 to 15% more ad revenue by using auto ads.  BUT please keep in mind that I use it in a limited way.  That 10 to 15% bump in revenue is because in-article ads are added to my content that otherwise wouldn’t be there.

Also, the revenue fluctuates quite a bit day to day which is interesting.

How long have I been using this AdSense split-testing option?

2 weeks.

Why do I use Auto-Ads when I could just insert in-article ads myself?

Because it’s a lot easier.  I don’t think me testing manually placing in-article ads is going to make a big difference.  I might as well let AdSense do it.

Why don’t I let Auto Ads handle all ad placements?

I’ve done enough testing to know where the three best earning locations are for my sites.  There’s no reason to let AdSense figure it out.

I may, however, when I get to it, use Auto Ads entirely for my newer niche site.  Since it’s in a totally different niche, it may well be worth testing different placements.

How do you activate or turn on Auto Ads?

I’m not sure every AdSense account has this right now.  It’s still in beta.  If you have it, you’ll see the following:

Turn on AdSense Auto Ads screenshot

Once you click into the Auto Ads, you’ll be directed on how to set it up (it’s extremely easy and takes only 1 minute tops).

Great reporting and analytics

The Auto Ads has its own reporting screen which offers a good deal of data for all units.

The main reporting breaks down earnings, clicks, CPC, CTR by every type of ad unit you have running via Auto Ads.

Which unit performs best for me?

The in-article units perform best.

What’s interesting is also have regular AdSense ad units turned on to be injected into the content, but the in-article units perform way better in-content.  That said, I do have the regular units placed in my premium locations (i.e. above the fold), which do outperform in-article units.

My point is is whether you use Auto Ads or not, I think it’s worth injecting some in-article native AdSense units in your content.  They may very well earn you more than regular ad units placed in the middle of your content.

Does it slow down my web pages?

Not that I can tell.  However, sometimes the in-article units don’t show up as quickly as I’d like.  In other words, there’s a large gap where the ad should appear.  It usually does appear, but sometimes it doesn’t.

Do these placements mess up content formatting?

Once in a while I see an in-article unit that isn’t in the best place, but it’s not terrible because the in-article unit is not a bad looking ad.  By “not the best place” I’m referring to a section of content I have split into columns and the the ad displays in one column which doesn’t make the columns symmetric vertically anymore (i.e. one column is pushed down a bit further than the other column).

Will I continue running Auto Ads?

Yes.  I like the in-article units as well as the money they earn.  I don’t think they’re annoying; in fact the blend well so I have no problem continue using this AdSense service for now.

Should you try this?

Yes, why not.  It takes about a minute to ad to your site and you have control which types of ads are placed on your site.  At the very least try the in-article units and mobile offerings.  You can keep your current placements if you’re happy with them.  If you’re not happy with current placements and want to do full scale testing, let Auto Ads test everything.


60 thoughts on “AdSense Auto Ads Review (After Using for 2 Weeks)”

    1. Ouch Rakesh.

      I’m not using them either. Right now I’m testing AdSense’s Ad Balance Experiment. I loaded up my sites with ads in quite a few spots and then run Ad Balance at 60% to see how AdSense does to optimize which ads show up.

    2. bro i cannot understand ur comment. in first line u said that ur experince has been pleasant. then in second line u r saying ur revenue went down to about 50 % ? please clarify?

  1. Am still in experiment , when i enabled auto ads , i started to earn more, but showing auto ads in my home page make site appearance worst. So i like to enable auto ads all pages but not in Home page. But i tried to disable auto ads on home page , but i fail, its coming all pages including home page.

    google says you can disable auto ads from home page or specific domain or pages but its not works for my site.

  2. still i am confused about auto ads. perhaps it may be beneficial but it load more ad and take loading time. and i am getting 0.02 cpc per click is there any solution for this. because i am getting almost 50 click per day

    1. Your CPC is based many variables including country and niche. That’s a low CPC for sure. Which country is your traffic from and which niche are you in?

  3. Is it possible to turn auto ads on and then limit the amount of ads with ad balance?

    Last time I tried autoads I hated it because there were too many of them.

  4. According to my experience with Auto-ads, turn on if you have mostly long post or long format content. Because then only you will see huge earning increase. Auto-ads is now uses AI to scan pages and place ads so whenever it finds a good place (between enough content), ads gets place there.

    Best of luck!

  5. Auto Ads takes a few more seconds to load than the normal placement. How long will/do your visitors stay on the page should be considered before using it, else, you won’t get the desired result.

  6. I’m still curious which one generates more revenue on Blogger blog (is it auto or manual?), I’ve implemented it for a couple months and it’s highly fluctuating…

  7. Fine way of telling, and pleasant post.
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    Absolutely loved your post, Jon!
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  9. I just got approved by Adsense and I have enabled the auto ads. Lets see how it goes otherwise I will try the manual placement. Which locations are best for manual placements?

  10. I’m very disappointed with goog auto-ads. My visitors complain cause those ads cut some text in a very disturbing way. For instance I have some poems and songs displayed with auto ads inserted in the middle of verses and lyrics. Furthermore, size of the ads placed on the pages top are extremely big.

    Auto ads could be much better if Google provides some means (tags?) to avoid the misplaced nuisance. For instance: for a text content, or to avoid tags in this page.

    I definitely I will replace auto ads by manually placed ads.

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