I’ve written several “best decision I ever made” emails.
My “best decisions” revolve around my current strategy which includes:
- Low competition keywords
- Publish lots of content (in clusters)
- Monetize with display ads.
Those three tiny bullet points outlines my online business in a nutshell. I’ve said it over and over and over. I know you’re probably sick of reading that.
It works though. I love it. It’s definitely the best “business strategy decision” I ever made.
But the big picture best business decision I ever made was to get started.
I know it’s so trite to say that.
Gag me with a spoon, right?
But it’s true.
I fumbled, meandered and clawed around on the web for a few years finding my way. But all that time I was actually doing it. I was learning by doing. I was pushing out content in some form trying to get traffic and make money.
Had I never got started I’d be bankrupt right now.
Whaaaaaat? Why would I be bankrupt?
Because when I decided to go full-time online the focus of my law practice was moving toward personal injury cases, most of which are car accident cases.
In jurisdictions where personal injury tort claims are allowed, it’s a great area of law. You help injured folks. It’s lucrative. Your income is tied to results.
What I didn’t know at the time was that a new government would be voted in that would get rid of such claims moving to a no-fault car accident claims system (many jurisdictions have done this).
No-fault is the death of the personal injury legal business.
I have lawyer friends scrambling. They must rebuild their practices which is not easy. They spent years building up a law practice and now must start over in a new area of law.
That would be me right now had I not started publishing niche sites. With two young kids it would have been a financial disaster for several years.
Fortunately, I started building niche sites 8+ years ago.
Just get started
I’ve fielded many emails from folks that go something like this:
4 years ago I started a site. I published 75 articles but never made more than $25 per month so I dropped it. Recently I found your blog and am interested in starting that site up again or a new site. I’d like to give it another try. Any advice?
I applaud everyone in this situation for wanting to get back up on the horse.
Better late than never.
The last 4 years went fast. The next four will go fast as well. If they start in earnest now, they will likely have a going concern in four years (maybe much earlier).
Just start now.
Don’t regret those years. That’s wasted emotional energy.
BUT, at the same time, whether this is your first kick at the can or fourth go, get started and stick with it.
What do you have to lose?
What do you have to lose is the key question.
Before you dive in though, you must determine if you like this type of business because if you don’t you have a lot to lose.
If you don’t like this work you will spend years doing something you don’t like doing. Surely there are better uses of your time. Better business models to pursue.
Spending years on something you don’t like doing is losing a lot.
On the other hand, if you do like this line of work, what do you have to lose?
Not much.
I assume you enjoy writing which means you end up doing something you like a few times each week. While you may not see results for a long time, you’re doing something you enjoy.
There’s nothing to lose in that scenario IMO.
I get that you want to turn it into a lucrative business ASAP. I was desperate to do so.
That won’t happen if you don’t get started.
It won’t happen if you quit.
I’m not saying to stick with something you don’t like. I’m saying stick with it if you like it.
Detach yourself from results.
Write for the fun of it. Optimize your writing for search engines for the fun of it.
Of course, choose a proven strategy such as what I do (set out in my courses), but by all means, seek out other proven content publishing strategies. My way is not the only way.
The last four years went by quickly.
If you publish 3 articles per week, that would have been 200 articles. If you’re a good writer and choose decent topics, that could be something meaningful.
Writing 3 articles per week if you like writing is hardly an inconvenience.
Write daily or weekly, plan results annually. Better yet, when you start, detach from results.
Just write.

Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.