I’ve now worked with Passion Posts for many months. They’re fueling my niche sites with lots and lots of great content!
UPDATED: December 21, 2023: Passion Post is MIA so I cannot recommend them anymore
UPDATE October 17, 2022: A week ago the owner of Passion Posts emailed me and told me that due to slow turn around early in 2022, he stopped taking on new clients and hired more people including managers, editors and writers. He said he’d be much better able to handle orders and deliver them fairly fast. I sent him a 5 article order. He wasn’t kidding. The articles were all delivered within a week and are exceptional. I’m back on the PP bandwagon. I’m still using WriterAccess for some casting call content (experts and specialists I’ve found) but will use PP for more general content. Very happy to be back.
Here’s how I started with Passion Posts which is similar to how I start with any new content service.
My history with Passion Posts to Date
I started small. I ordered one article anonymously in June 2021. I order content anonymously when testing new content because sometimes I fear that the potential exposure content services might get working with Fat Stacks results in a skewed effort in my favor. The test article was amazing. In fact, you can read the article they provided on handshake alternatives here. The topic was “Handshake Alternatives”. I love how they managed to assign it to a writer who has dealt with handshake alternatives for years. The intro makes you want to read the article.
Delighted with the test article, I placed another order. The second order was much larger but was only a portion of my monthly content requirement. It was 60 articles. The cost came to approximately $5,000. This round was to assess how they handle larger orders across two niches. I also assess the turnaround time.
At this point, I should tell you that Passion Posts’ turnaround time is not good. It takes 6 weeks for large orders to be completed. I’m not a patient person. However, the content Passion Posts delivers is so good, I’m willing to wait. Waiting a bit longer will pay off in the long run. Moreover, now that I’m in a regular workflow with Passion Posts, I order anticipating that the content won’t be delivered for 6 weeks.
I should also note that Passion Posts is cool in that they do deliver small batches as completed. In other words, I’m not waiting 6 weeks for the first article. It’s 6 weeks for the entire order to finish. This works just fine for me because I publish daily anyway so it’s a good workflow.
My next order made up the lion’s share of my monthly content needs coming in at approximately $14,000. I ordered a lot of content for several niche sites. Again, the content delivered for every niche was amazing. Again, the turnaround time came to about 6 weeks.
My next order was even bigger coming in at approx. $18,000 and again made up the lion’s share of my monthly content needs. Actually, due to the 6 week turnaround time I ordered it so that it would provide content for a 6 week period.
Instead of droning on and on about all my orders, you should know I’ve received hundreds of thousands of words in content from them over the last year.
You could say that I have a very good idea as to the quality of this content service having now ordered over $35,000 worth of content.
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The content delivered
I’m very happy with the service but there is room for improvement. I’ve emailed with the owner and he knows where they need to improve. He’s working on it as fast as he can. He’s earnest in his passion for providing great content for publishers. He’s doing the near-impossible and that is increase capacity without compromising content quality or having to increase prices.
You can read an article they delivered here.
Why is the content so good? How does Passion Posts do it?
PP’s unique offering is they assign articles to people with actual expertise/interest/experience in the niches. This isn’t just lip service. They really do. I can tell by the content they deliver.
I should clarify. They provide great content at a very reasonable price. I also find the quality is consistent which is also helpful when ordering tons of content.
When I read articles from PP, I can tell there’s a higher level of expertise or knowledge than what a generalist writer provides. It definitely comes through.
Take this Passion Posts review as an example. If I had never used PP, it would be filled with generalizations and a rehash of the information from their website. It would be totally useless, yet so much of the content on the Web is just that.
I’m able to write about Passion Posts as a true insider as well as someone who knows the online publishing business fairly well. What you get is a very good review. FYI, I take the same approach with the few product reviews I write for my niche sites. If I put the word “review” in the title, that means I’ve bought and tested the product. Once in a blue moon a company will give me something for free but I do my best not to let that color my opinion. I’m up front with them saying they are welcome to send me free stuff but when I write about it, I will pull no punches.
On top of that, the folks Passion Posts hire can write. It’s one thing to have expertise or experience about a topic, it’s another thing to be able to write about it and write well about it.
There’s a cost to the way Passion Posts goes about providing superior content
The cost is it takes a fairly long time to deliver large orders. I get that. I’ve hired enough writers to know that it’s not easy hiring good writers, especially when seeking writers with a certain expertise. Once hired, you have to onboard them and get them up to speed about how things work.
Louis, the owner of Passion Posts tells me he’s madly hiring to meet demand. It’s a good problem to have because his content business is growing very fast but it’s also stressful. I suspect he has some unhappy clients because of the turnaround time. I’ve never been disappointed because they’ve been up front with me about delivery times. I believe they’re up front with other clients but let’s face it, it’s still hard to wait 6 weeks for content.
What is Passion Posts?
Let’s step back a bit although by now I think you know the answer to this. What exactly is Passion Posts?
Passion Posts is a content service. They also offer a fleet of other services publishers use such as:
- Logo creation;
- Keyword research;
- Editing;
- And a few other services. Check out their site to learn more.
I’ve not used any of their other services. I’ve only used their content service.
How much does content from Passion Posts cost?
Like all content providers, the cost varies according to how much you order.
That said, they do not offer quality tiers. They have one tier and it’s excellent. I like the fact they don’t offer tiers. I like the fact they simply aspire to provide awesome content.
Moreover, PP prices content differently than other services. It takes a bit getting used to but
PP offers three types of posts. They are:
- Response post for $55. These are 1,000 to 1,250 words. It works out to $.05 per word give or take.
- Staple post for $100. These are 2,000 to 2,500 words and work out to $.05 per word… again give or take.
- Staple+ post for $150. These are 3,000 to 3,500 words and again work out to $.05 per word give or take.
Most content providers charge by the word. Passion Posts charges by word range. It actually works great and makes it easy to order.
I order all three types… whatever the topic requires.
I also have standing instructions that if ever a topic requires more or fewer words to go up or down an article size.
=> Save 10% at Passion Posts with coupon BWMZ0ZXDWK here
Does Passion Posts offer bulk rates?
They do. Check the pricing page for a variety of bulk order options which will reduce the cost per word quite a bit.
Backend Portal
PP recently built out a fairly slick backend for managing your content. It’s not as slick as WriterAccess but given PP is pretty much a brand new content provider player, what they’ve put together is very good. It works really well. In fact, I almost never use it. It works well enough where my team can access it and manage the entire content workflow.
PP set up folders for each of my website where they deliver completed articles. My team grabs them from the folders and once published, move those articles into an archive folder PP set up (that way we can access those articles down the road if ever necessary).
My Google Sheet Workflow with PP
I organize my content in Google Sheets. Fortunately Passion Posts is willing to work from my Google Sheet for article orders. My Google sheet has a worksheet for each website. I just add topics to it and Passion Posts writes about them. It’s a very simple sysemt.
Areas for improvement
Turnaround time: I’ve said this repeatedly but I have to mention it again. It would be nice if they could build up their team so that they could deliver large orders entirely in under four weeks. It’s definitely not a dealbreaker for me but hey, if you’re asking me where they could improve, that’s my suggestion.
Content Optimizer: One other suggestion is that they incorporate some type of content optimizer (MarketMuse, SurferSEO, Topic, Frase etc.) into their content production. I’m a fan of content optimizers. I get why writers may not like them but I believe the concept is sound and as a writer myself, I find them helpful in ensuring content is thorough.
However, to date PP does not include content optimizers.
Do I use any other content providers?
I am. I now mostly use WriterAccess (read my WriterAccess review) for a good chunk of content. I have some writers I work with directly who are great and know exactly what I need. Read my extensive write up listing out the best blog content services here.
I’m also using Content Development Pro (read my Content Development Pro review) on a website where I’m publishing 1 million words of content (approx. 1,000 articles) in 3 months and potentially up to 3 to 5 million words of content in year one. The content is lower quality than PP and much, much cheaper. It’s an experiment to see what happens with a new website is sledgehammered with tons of content going after very low competition keywords. I’m very curious as to whether the economics works.
I’m not currently using Content Develoment Pros either. It’s pretty much all WriterAccess and in-house these days.
Lastly, I have some in-house writers who focus on improving older content.
Despite using a variety of content sources, my largest provider these days is Passion Posts.

Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.
Do PP upload content to your blog?
Hey Adam, I don’t think so but you should ask. I didn’t have them do this for me. I don’t need.
Hey Jon,
I know you used WordAgents in the past and were / are a big fan. Is there a reason you aren’t using them now – just cost I assume? I too wouldn’t want to wait 6 weeks for content, or at least not on an ongoing basis 🙂