Check this insanity out.
Below are Ahrefs screenshots of a site with over 1,000 referring domains (all naturally acquired) but the site gets a paltry 13,000 monthly SEARCH visitors.
The lion’s share of those searches are for the website’s name and the blogger’s name. It ranks for pretty much ZERO keywords.
Referring domains (Ahrefs):
Organic search traffic (Ahrefs):
Here’s another example.
Referring domains (incredible number):
Organic search traffic (practically nothing for the inbound link profile)
How can that be?
It’s simple.
These websites, while insanely popular, do not target keywords.
Okay, they might rank for a few long tails but that’s by accident.
Given the age, DA, links, etc. these sites should be hauling in hundreds of thousands of monthly search visits courtesy of the big G.
But they don’t because for some reason the publishers don’t care.
I guess nor should they because both sites get tons of direct traffic (loyal readers). Each gets over 1 million visits per month. For finance sites, that’s epic.
They’re both a wild success despite no search traffic.
While I applaud them (plus I read the sites every day), I can’t help but think of all the additional traffic these sites could get.
These sites teach two BIG lessons:
Lesson #1
No matter how great your content is, if no one’s searching for it, you lose.
In other words, if you don’t optimize your content to target a keyword, regardless of how obscure that keyword, you won’t get search traffic.
Google can only deliver traffic for terms and phrases and topics that people search for.
The titles on those sites target nothing.
Hence no search traffic.
Lesson #2
If you publish an awesome website, you can get a ton of direct traffic.
I have no website that pulls in direct traffic like these sites. I sure wish I did… but even if I did, I’d optimize some content for search.
These sites are truly epic. They both have a huge following (including me). There are no email newsletters. One isn’t mobile responsive (the first one). No categories. No navigation. They’re blogs in the purist form.
Hundreds of thousands visit regularly.
Comments often number into the hundreds (very rare these days).
They’re both a runaway success.
But the point remains.
If you want search traffic, target terms that people search.
There’s a HUGE difference between NO and LOW search volume.
I go after low competition KWs which are often not searched much, BUT they are searched for.
That distinction makes all the difference in the world.
Are you targeting keywords?
If not, unless you can write and harness a loyal following like Garth Turner at (the first site profiled above) or the guy behind (the second site profiled above) you’ll end up with no traffic.

Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.