Income Report for May 2022 (Niche Sites)

Income report May 2022

May was good, very good.  But I cheated. I spent $4,980 on Facebook ads for traffic and page fans which increased traffic artificially.  Were the FB ads profitable? I think so. I’m mostly paying for fans and making money sharing posts for longer term traffic.  Overall, the results are merely okay so don’t drop everything and start blowing money on FB. By all means try but start really, really cheap.

  • Revenue: $115,732 (a new record)
  • Expenses: $14,556

Content investment: Must join the Fat Stacks courses for this information where I break down content investment and return in extensive detail for each site in my portfolio.

Some of my smaller sites are not so small anymore. That’s a great development. I have a few sites that are primed to grow into good earners with decent growth potential. It’s good to be a bit diversified instead of dependent entirely on one site.

Otherwise all I did in May was the usual. Publish, publish and publish.

Revenue set out above or below does NOT include Fat Stacks revenue.

Screenshots (just Mediavine ad revenue… doesn’t include other revenue sources such as Amazon):

Mediavine revenue all sites

Sites with zero earnings are new sites added in June which is when I took this screenshot.

I also earned a few thousand in affiliate commissions (Amazon and Skimlinks mostly).

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