Updated August 28, 2022.
This review update is long overdue. Much has changed in the ad network landscape. I know Ezoic prefers not to be referred to as an ad network, but that’s what it is as far as I’m concerned.
I’m updating this review because Ezoic has evolved for better and for worse since I moved on from them a few years ago.
My Ezoic experience
I was an early Ezoic user and earned well with Ezoic for years. I started with AdSense but graduated to Ezoic and did well by them for many years. For this reason alone, I will forever have a soft spot for Ezoic. I got to know many of the folks over there and they are good folks.
With Ezoic I grew my largest site to nearly $50K per month.
I no longer have sites with Ezoic. I went from Ezoic to AdThrive. I was with AdThrive for a few years. In 2022, I moved all sites over to Mediavine and that is where all my sites are to this day. I have no plans to change this. Mediavine is an outstanding ad network.
But that does not mean Ezoic does not have something to offer the ad space. They do. Read on for all the details.
Ezoic is a very good ad platform for sites that don’t qualify or aren’t accepted into Mediavine or AdThrive
This is a lot of sites. Ezoic offers a vital service in the ad monetization industry for smaller sites.
If you have smaller sites and want to earn ad revenue, Ezoic is my recommendation.
=> Try Ezoic to make money with your website (it’s free)
Can you earn good ad revenue with Ezoic?
You sure can. Many pubs do. I was hitting $40K to $45K per month when I left them a few years ago. I know Ezoic has some huge publishers on its platform earning piles and piles of money.
In other words, Ezoic is a viable ad network for publishers looking to monetize their website(s).
Ezoics pitch: publishers earn more with the ever-optimizing split testing ad placements on every URL on your site. This is the very foundation of Ezoic. I think this entire schtick was far more important 5 years ago than it is now. Back when I used AdSense, I had to manually place each ad unit. I was constantly testing placements manually for optimal revenue. It was a nuisance.
Then along came Ezoic with a brilliant solution that handled all the ad placement testing for you hands-free. I loved the idea. I signed up and never looked back. It did work. I earned more. It freed up my time to focus on content.
However, these days ad networks like AdThrive and Mediavine handle placements for publishers. Not once have I ever questioned whether AdThrive or Mediavine was dropping the ball by not placing enough ads in the right places. These networks run so many sites and get so many ad impressions, they know with a pretty good level of precision where to put ads.
While I know Ezoic revenue improves over time, all sites eventually hit a diminishing returns point. It’s the same with AdThrive and Mediavine. Eventually, you cannot earn more.
Moreover, ad placement and ad size isn’t the be-all and end-all for what dictates ad revenue. There are many variables at play including device, country and month. It’s also important to know that each ad network worth its salt offers publishers it’s direct advertiser ads earning above-average revenue. In other words, the good networks enter into direct deals for higher revenue. The more deals a network can get for its pubs, the more money it earns. This, I believe, has a bigger impact on overall earnings than some ad placement adjustment on a web page.
Can ad placement and size impact total revenue? Yeah of course but I think at some point, the impact is minimal.
What I like about Ezoic:
- Serves smaller publishers: Approves and onboards smaller sites serving a vital role in the industry.
- Self-service platform – makes it possible to onboard smaller pubs and gives pubs total control over ad placements.
- Best ad reporting platform on the Web (it’s not even close). If you need granular ad revenue reporting above all, Ezoic is your best option. You can filter for revenue specifics for pretty much anything. It’s incredible. I’m still baffled why Mediavine and AdThrive can’t offer something similar. I know Ezoic invested big time into its reporting and it paid off. It’s spectacular. If you buy traffic for ad arbitrage, Ezoic’s reporting is a must-have. I truly miss this feature. For example, you can see how much you earn from iPhone visitors in Canada for a specific article. Not just mobile devices, but iOS specifically. Not that most of us would care about that metric specifically, but it goes to show you just how much you can drill down for ad revenue insights. My favorite was being able to check out EPMVs and total revenue for any article on my sites. So valuable.
Here’s an example of Ezoic revenue reporting back when I was with Ezoic. Very powerful stuff. If you want to buy traffic you can track revenue earned by UTM urls. Revenue per URL. Revenue by country and while this is pretty basic, the fact you can filter by country for specific URLs is very powerful.
=> Try Ezoic here to make money with your website (it’s free)
- Earns reasonably well for its publishers. Some publishers earn more with Ezoic than Mediavine.
- Educates new publishers. This is actually a great move and does signal that Ezoic is stepping up to its role as a small to mid-size site ad provider. I learned an absolute ton as a publisher with Ezoic.
- Willing to offer publishers excellent terms: this is a double-edged sword but Ezoic is willing to come up with sweetheart deals with publishers who have influence in the space and/or have high-earning sites. I think this is good. The downside is that these deals often come with contracts. I don’t like the contracts. I’d accept a lesser deal with no contract attached. I might sign a 3-month deal but that would be it unless the money we’re talking about is enough to set me up for life (which is not going to happen). I only say this because if some ad network was willing to pay me enough to set me up for life up front, then ad performance isn’t as important.
- Offers a great affiliate program: I’m an affiliate for Ezoic. I both praise and criticize Ezoic as an affiliate, former user and commentator in this industry. I like to think this Ezoic review and my comments in the FS forum and on Twitter paint a fairly accurate, non-biased view. I sure wish Mediavine offered an affiliate program. I’m pretty sure I’ve sent them a ton of business this year when I moved to them from AdThrive. While I do have a very good rev share with Mediavine, it’s not based on business I’ve referred but instead the fact my sites perform well. That said, I get why Mediavine doesn’t have an affiliate program… mainly because they don’t need one.
- The people at Ezoic: From the first day I started talking to Ezoic many years ago to even today, I’ve always liked the folks at Ezoic. They are approachable, generous with their time and earnest in wanting to do well for publishers. They are nice people. It was the people that made it hardest to leave Ezoic since I had come to know and like several of them over the years. I don’t think I burned bridges by leaving (hope I didn’t). One never knows… I might end up back there someday.
Where Ezoic can improve
- Get rid of the premium fees program. Just take a behind-the-scenes revenue cut. Requiring pubs to pay upfront sucks for pubs.
- Improve site speed. I know some pubs have managed good CWV scores with Ezoic’s LEAP PROGRAM but generally, I hear quite a bit about slow site speed. Room for improvement here. Ezoic is a tech platform. I’m surprised it’s not faster after all this time.
- Stop locking unsuspecting publishers into long-term contracts. Okay, I get that publishers are adults and we are responsible for the deals we make. However, long contracts in this business often ends up bad for the publishers. I’ve heard from many pubs over the years that they regret signing two and three contracts with Ezoic. I think the practice should be stopped because of the knowledge disparity between new pubs and Ezoic. I remember what it was like being a new pub. Traffic is starting to build. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Suddenly a promise of what seems like a vast sum of money wrapped up in a deal too good to be true comes along. Three years is fine; after all can it get any better than what it is? Let me tell you what can happen in three years… a lot. You can go from 40,000 monthly page views to 400K or more. When this happens you do not want to be locked into a contract. You want to be unfettered to earn as much as you can while providing the best UX for visitors.
- Ad tech: Mediavine has tech where ads display once visitors start scrolling instead of on page load. This results in an ad-free arrival to a site for visitors. It’s an outstanding UX feature. I’m of the view both Ezoic and AdThrive would be better if they offered the same tech. This is a hugely important feature for me. I’m proud of my niche sites how it’s ad free in the content area when visitors initially arrive. That said, with Ezoic and AdThrive you can specify that no ads be placed above the fold for the same effect but I suspect ad revenue would be hurt a fair amount. When I was with Ezoic, the best performing ads were above the fold.
Ezoic serves a very important role in the ad space sector
In other words, Ezoic serves an important role and that is it’s a key player in helping “smaller” sites and new pubs. Smaller isn’t really small though. Sites with 40K monthly visitors isn’t necesarily a small site (depends on the niche of course).
Ezoic has taken steps to harness this positioning in the industry but I think they could do more.
I also believe they should stop trying to persuade everyone they are best for big pubs. They aren’t. Sure, there might be exceptions especially if it’s a sweetheart deal with favorable revenue arrangements, but on the balance, Ezoic can’t compete with AdThrive and certainly not Mediavine. That’s not a bad thing. In fact, it’s an opportunity.
There’s a ton of money to be made as THE ad provider for all websites with less than 50,000 visitors (the threshold to get into Mediavine).
My guess is that most websites on the Web don’t get 50,000 monthly page views, which means Ezoic could be monetizing most websites.
Ezoic is supremely situated to dominate smaller sites for the following reason: It is largely a self-serve platform. This is one of Ezoic’s strengths. It’s a pretty easy platform to use. This dramatically reduces overhead and customer support costs. It’s because of the self-serve aspect that Ezoic can profitably serve smaller sites. This is not a criticism but instead high praise. In fact, while Ezoic’s tech has room for improvement, it’s overall very good and a feat in itself.
=> Try Ezoic to make money with your website (it’s free)
I publish blogs with a similar strategy Ezoic has in the ad marketplace
My approach to blogging is similar to Ezoic’s position in the ad network marketplace. You might be scratching your head over that statement but hear me out.
My approach isn’t about trying to rank for massively lucrative keywords. Instead, I rank for tens of thousands of smaller, less lucrative keywords. I’m not dependent on a handful of keywords. If I lose 100 rankings, I won’t notice. My rankings are dispersed.
Similarly, Ezoic isn’t dependent on a few massive publishers. That’s a good thing. Instead, they earn a little bit from thousands and thousands of publishers and that’s possible because of the self-serve platform Ezoic built.
Is Ezoic’s customer service good?
I always had excellent customer service but I also probably enjoyed some preferential treatment to an extent. As with any company this size, there will be people who have had a bad customer experience and those who have had nothing but good experiences.
This I know to be true and that is Ezoic tries and is constantly trying to be better and better. I have no doubt of this. If customer service drops the ball, it’s not for lack of trying. Based on my owning a forum in this space with thousands of members, being a regular on Twitter and generally having a pretty good knowledge of this space and industry, I’d say on the balance Ezoic’s customer service is good.
Sadly, yes you should. I did. I didn’t like it but I used it anyway because it was profitable. This program works like this. You get accepted into the premium ads program. You pay upfront for a specific plan which is based on your current revenue. You then get premium ads on your site which in most cases earns you more than the money you pay.
My distaste for this program is that publishers have to pay upfront. I’m a cash flow hawk in my business. It’s bad enough we have to wait 45 days to get paid (Mediavine is net 65 which is really long and definitely one of my beefs with Mediavine). But to then have to pay out money upfront to Ezoic for ads that should be on our sites anyway, rubs me the wrong way.
Most pubs that qualify go into this program because it is profitable. Who isn’t going to accept more money even if it means paying upfront? Nobody. It’s my view that Ezoic should put these premium ads on publishers’ sites as a matter of fact. It should be part of their standard offering.
This much I know is true and that is if Ezoic didn’t charge publishers fees for the premium ads, Ezoic would out-earn other ad networks far more regularly.
Ezoic uses these fees as leverage to lock in publishers into contracts as well. Usually, the terms waive the premium fees for year one of a multi-year contract. Sounds fantastic in year one but once those fees kick in down the road, it’s not so fun.
While I said I like to believe I’m not biased with this review, I definitely am biased toward the publishers’ perspective. This premium ads program just might be an absolute revenue windfall for Ezoic that earns them huge profits. If that’s the case, it’s hard to fault them for it.
Do I recommend Ezoic?
Yes, I do to publishers who can’t get accepted with Mediavine.
I have a close friend who has a niche site. We hang out regularly. I suggested he go with Ezoic. He did. He earns some money with Ezoic he otherwise wouldn’t earn. He’s also learning about ad monetization at the same time. I would not suggest to a close, personal friend to go with Ezoic unless I believed Ezoic was a good option for him.
If you aren’t accepted in Mediavine, use Ezoic. It’s your best option as far as I know.
=> Try Ezoic to make money with your website (it’s free)
Ezoic FAQ
Will someone at Ezoic set up the ads for you?
Yeah, they will. I’d opt for this. I’ve set up Ezoic ads many times. I would not want to do it again. It’s time-consuming. Let them do it for you and if you want some adjustments, just ask.
How long does optimization and testing take?
With Ezoic full (i.e. the Layout Tester) it can take quite a while (5 to 8 weeks) because there are so many configurations the software runs.
Ezoic Lite (i.e. just the Ad Tester) optimization is much faster because there are far fewer configurations tested (since it uses your site’s design and tests only ads you manually place on your site). That said, if you choose to let Ezoic test ad placements in addition to your manual placements, optimization takes longer because more variations are tested.
Can you buy traffic to websites using Ezoic?
Yes you can. I did and do. The Ezoic team was fully aware that I was. However, they do require that the traffic sources be high quality. If you send junk traffic to your site, either Ezoic will intervene or you risk problems with AdSense and perhaps other ad networks.
That said, the founders of Ezoic believe organic traffic is best. They’ll tell you as much. However, it’s hard to beat paid traffic if it’s profitable.
Can you use other ad networks separate from Ezoic?
I’m delighted to answer this with a resounding “yes”. One of the main reasons I stopped using Ezoic in the Summer of 2015 after 3 to 4 months was I missed Media.net ads which earned a lot of money.
However, with the new Ezoic options, you can now place ads from networks separately and in addition to the 5 Ezoic ads. This is a game changer for me and I think for many people who decide to use Ezoic.
Is it easy to be accepted into Ezoic?
Yes. Unlike many ad optimization services, Ezoic accepts most sites.
Can you exclude ads on individual pages?
Yes. You simply input the URLs on which you don’t want ads.
Do you have to sign a contract?
No. You don’t have to but you might be offered better revenue terms that are attached to a contract. It’s not required. You can (and should) refuse.
=> Try Ezoic to make money with your website (it’s free)

Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.
This new news is HUGE! So I can now use other networks in addition to the 5 Google spots? I was contacted by Ezoic last summer and tried them out and ended up leaving because it just didn’t work for what I was doing. Do they still require you to switch over the name servers through them. When doing this last summer it really slowed down the site. I’m not interested in trying any new themes, I was just about ready to roll out Google DFP on my current site and then I saw your email about these new changes and might reconsider Ezoic. What do you think? Thanks!
Hey Jared,
Yup, this is huge.
Yes, you can use ad networks in addition to the 5 Ezoic ads. I discussed this with Ezoic before signing up. I signed up, set it all up and sure enough, they’re fine with me running Media.net and GumGum in addition to the 5 Ezoic ads. I just keep the Media.net and GumGum ad code outside of Ezoic and code those ad networks directly into my site as they always were so they display independently of Ezoic ads.
You still have to point nameservers to them, but that’s one compromise I’m willing to make as long as Ezoic revenue meets or exceeds pre-Ezoic revenue. You can now use your own website design and manually insert ads, which is huge.
I used and liked Ezoic before these changes (although I didn’t quite like it enough to stick with them back then), but now that I can use my site’s design/theme, use ad networks in addition to Ezoic ads and I can manually place ads as well as let them test additional ad placements, there’s really no downside. That’s why I’m using them again.
I say give it a shot. If you know where ads work best on your site, manually place them. You can test Ezoic with your current AdSense ads to see which performs best by running Ezoic a percentage of displays (such as 50% Ezoic and 50% your original ads). I’m currently doing this.
As long as switching nameservers over don’t slow my site speed down (that happened last time) then I would have no issues doing it.
My site is growing fast and has great page views (250k+) a month and growing but I don’t have much to show for it from revenue standpoint. I need all the help I can get and thinking Ezoic this time around can help.
Thanks for your review and timely email or else I would have gone through with the DFP implementation which is very consuming and complicated.
Thanks! I will report back on how it goes.
Congrats on the impressive website growth. That’s great.
I hope it works for you Jared. It hurts just thinking about setting up DFP.
That would be great if you came back and provided updates about your Ezoic experience.
I will for sure. Thank you. I have been following you for a few months now and really appreciate all the help you provide.
Thanks for the great post Jon. I have also enjoyed learning more in your course. I have heard of a service called AdThrive that shops different ad networks for you and is setup in DFP for you. Ever heard that service or type of service? Does Ezoic use dfp and shop around to maximize revenue just the same?
I commented on this a few months ago and thought I’d come back to give update. I ended up having to go with Google DFP instead of Ezoic. I so badly wanted to use Ezoic but a few of the constraints limited what I could do. The biggest issues was that they only allowed 5 different spots on the website for their code. I do a pretty decent size of direct ad sales and needed those ads to rotate throughout the site in more spots than that. It seems to me that Ezoic is best used for someone just looking for some ad revenue but not optimized for someone like me who needs the best of both worlds (direct sales and 3rd party). I would LOVE if Ezoic could work with DFP so that I could get the best of both sides but that doesn’t seem to be possible.
Hey Jared, you can work with direct sales. There’s an app in Ezoic backend that offers that option. I’d contact support for assistance on that question.
Wow, I got this on a site ads, instead of falling for a cheaper scam. I searched about it.
Thanks fur this awesome information as I will try them. thanks once more…
thnkyuw so much for the review boss.. i’m following you for a week but this time you took me to yourself.. awesome review ezoic contacted me about a week ago but i wasn’t interested coz my site is a lil bit lazy and not generating enough pageview and visits so that mean not enough revenue can you please clear this question out of my mind, do they post adsense ads(i have a verified account) or their own like media.net, gumgum, or ezoic ads??? must reply + have a visit at my blog and give me some tips for it.. appreciate your hardwork.. keep it up and best of luck for the future…
Hey Vicky,
You can split test your AdSense ads against Ezoic ads by wrapping the Ezoic placeholders around your AdSense code. You then set the % of Ezoic ads to display and % of your AdSense ads to display. After a few weeks you can see which performs best.
You can also split test Ezoic with other ad networks such as Media.net, but I don’t do that. What I do is use Media.net in addition to the Ezoic ads so it’s not either/or, but instead both. Same with GumGum ads.
I was not aware about Ezoic but after reading your review, i think i need to test Ezoic system, as some of my sites are already have great visitors and pageviews. One think i want to ask that is they provide earning report live, i mean to say same as adsense or we need to wait for whole day to see our earning, can you let me know about it. i’m really confused?
Hey Ahmed,
Ezoic revenue is live but not to the minute like AdSense. There’s a delay with Ezoic but it does update throughout the day. Typically I wait until the following day to get a full picture of the previous day’s revenue and EPMV.
Love the article was really thinking about using Ezoic but I was wondering if I should use them if I am just getting started on my site. I have no traffic currently and I am about to do FB advertisement. So should I wait until I get a little traffic or should i sign up for them before I send the traffic?
Hey Kelly,
Use Ezoic, but split test it with your other ad set up and see which performs best. Run it 50/50. If Ezoic doesn’t improve revenue stop using it – but give a few weeks especially since you’re just starting out with no traffic.
Jon, great information. I know you are recommending the genesis theme that you use on your sites, but I’m intending to use one of the Thrive themes on my site, Do you think that will still work well with Ezoic?
Hey Mark,
I’ve never used Thrive Themes although I do have a membership because I used Thrive Leads and wanted to try the Thrive Content Builder.
I can’t say whether the Thrive Themes will do well with ads. It would take testing to know. I’ve tested quite a few themes and while it’s impossible to say with absolute certainty, I think Eleven40 by StudioPress consistently does well. The interesting aspect is that Eleven40 isn’t sold as a good theme for ads. The features, in my opinion, that make Elven40 good for ads are:
Great info Jon, thanks for the reply. I’m gong to test a Thrive Theme that has a small logo/header space and see what happens.
Hi Jon,
It was a mind blowing post i must say! The reason i also left ezoic previously is that i couldn’t use other ad networks. Now it’s really amazing that they are now allowing other ad networks and also improved the reporting a lot. Thanks to you for sharing all the details & updates. Cheers!
Hey Asekeen,
Yeah, Ezoic really ramped up their offerings over the last 4 months. They’ve solved every objection I had with them during my first go with their service. It’s really a no-brainer now. I’m not saying they will for sure increase revenue, but given the split testing feature and that you don’t need to give up other ad network revenue, it’s worth trying.
This is Great. Please I Have tried using them but looks odd with ads placement but hope the tester finally optimize a static position. i use it at http://webspotted.com
Yes, the Ad Tester makes it possible to use your own site’s design and manually place ads. This gives you full control of your site’s appearance and ad placements. That said, it’s a good idea to place ads in many locations and then let Ezoic test various configurations for optimal performance.
Hi Jon.
I an still looking for some information about ezoic.
Do azoic has their own ads or I must have an AdSense account?
I am still confusing. If I don’t have AdSense account, will I get revenue from ezoic by place ezoic code on my website?
Ezoic runs ads via several ad networks which bid for the spots. The biggest network they use is Ad Exchange, which includes Google Ads.
You can split test with your AdSense ads, which is a great feature to see what will earn more.
I’m not 100% sure you need an AdSense account. When you sign up you’ll need to apply for Ad Exchange, which is done in the Ezoic backend (it’s fast and easy). I’m not sure you need an AdSense account to be approved with Ad Exchange… I don’t think so.
Hey Jon,
Im trying to wrap my head around this. I have better experience monetizing with Affiliate products.
My Ad placement/usage is very basic (1 ad under the 1st paragraph, 1 on the side bar and 1 above the last paragraph) but Im trying to get better at it.
I currently use Adsense and am looking to add Taboola or media.net to bring in more ad revenue.
Should I add the programs I mentioned 1st, wait a few months to see how they perform and then test them with Ezoic ?
I’d test Ezoic now because you can test ad placements all over the place and Ezoic will run the best ad configuration. You can choose to optimize by revenue, user experience or a mix of both. I focus on revenue optimization.
You can use Media.net and Taboola independently of Ezoic so you don’t have to give up that revenue. Same thing with affiliate promotions.
I looked into Ezoic a few months ago but was concerned when they said I needed to switch my nameservers to them. Is that okay for them to do? Just seems weird.
Hi Cathy,
Lots of people express that concern to me. I’ve not had a problem with it. So far it’s worth it for me… revenue is very good.
Thanks John. I feel better about that now. One more thing, how hands on with all of this do I need to be? I know you love testing things but I just want to set it up once and forget about it.
Hey Cathy,
I probably tweak and fiddle around with it too much. I think once you have it set up with a good number of ad placeholders in place, you can more or less leave it alone.
I like playing around with ads and new content, but I’d probably be better off publishing more content. Sometimes I lose the forest from the trees.
The thing is once you hit a decent EPMV, growing revenue is about more traffic. It’s that simple, but can sometimes I forget this.
you need to help me Jon, after reading tour post about EZOIC i quickly added it to my site but it wouldn’t receive any data in the dashboard. Please i need your help
I’d contact Ezoic since they’ll have access to your Ezoic account. They’re customer support is excellent.
Great post jon, please do keep up the good work.
1. I have my main site connected to cloud flare to boost the speed(cloud flare requires the name servers), since I have to give the name servers to ezoic, does that means I have to give up using cloudflare.
2. Do you use any cdn with your main niche site alongside ezoic?
Thanks & God Bless!
Hey Oceans,
I don’t use Cloudflare so I’m not sure. I’d contact Ezoic first telling them your exact set up. I’m sure they can work with it.
Hey Jon,
Do you know if they still offer the layout tester or site optimizer? I don’t see that option in my app section. I’m wondering if this was recently removed, or if it requires a special account to use. Thanks for introducing me to ezoic, I heard about it through you on authority hacker.
Hey Westin,
Yes, Ezoic has layout tester still. It’s an enhanced feature so I’m not sure if you need to request support to turn it on. I’d just live chat them and ask them to get it going for you.
Hey Jon,
Thanks for the advice. I contacted support and it’s now available as an app on my ezoic dashboard.
Good information provided about ezoic comprehensively. Is there any traffic criteria to implement ezoic.
Hey Gayatri,
I don’t think Ezoic has any traffic requirements.
Hi Jon –
Been following and implementing Ezoic and Sortable as mentioned in your post. Plus I’ve got your course so info in there is being implemented as well. 🙂
My question becomes, how to compare results between what you get with Adsense vs. Ezoic vs. Sortable or TheBloggerNetwork? That’s what I’m at a loss to figure out? Currently, with Ezoic, it seems earnings are down but it’s not been a week yet so I’m trying to have patience. 😉 Any recommendations on tools or methods to analyze and determine your results and which to go with would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Also, have to do a shout out for one of your recommendations! TheBloggerNetwork scores super high in my mind for their AWESOME support team and helpfulness! Truly the most painless and positive experience I’ve had in quite awhile. 🙂
Hey Bobbi,
I just looked at RPM from all ad networks and ad management services. The one that does the best gets my business. Yes, The Blogger Network is great and keep in mind you can use them in addition to AdSense. At least I do and it’s fabulous additional revenue. Yes, their support is top-notch.
Good information provided about ezoic comprehensively.
Using Ezoic, do we get paid only if someone CLICK on the ad OR it’s also CPM based?
Because if it’s only when someone click, my layout will be different, and if it’s CPM based, I want more pageviews.
Please advise 🙂
I believe Ezoic pays on a CPM. Double check with them though because I don’t want to assume anything for your account.
Hi Jon,
Thank you for your detailed review.
I have been accepted by ezoic two weeks ago, Honestly i was so happy.
I loved the whole concepts and idea behind testing and ads optimization on your site, The Only HUGE PROBLEM for me is my website performance decreased significantly after adding Ezoic ads, even though i only have 3 ads
My website load time increased like crazy (9 seconds when i used pingdom), bounce rate increased, and that is affecting my media.net ads performance.
I wanted to ask you if you had such a problem using Ezoic? If yes how you worked to solve such a problem?
Also i have pointed my nameservers to them, which they mentioned will give extra speed, But i’m seeing the opposite
Hey Tarek,
I did notice a slight decrease in site performance. It boils down to whether this cost in site performance is made up for with higher revenue for you. If your revenue doesn’t increase or only increases a little, you may wish to stop using Ezoic. The point of my Ezoic review is to suggest giving them a shot… sometimes they improve results dramatically and other times not so much.
Ezoic is a scam! Stay far away.
For starters, it took a bunch of time to implement the Ezoic code. Then my website earnings dropped dramatically when code was implemented. Ezoic claimed it just takes time for their system to work, and earnings will improve. I gave their system a few monnths and earnings did not improve.
3 Adsense units give much better revenue than Ezoic. Ezoic is profiting off website owners that try them out. Do not waste your time and money trying out this scam service.