If you find yourself bored with your online business, CONGRATULATIONS, you’re probably successful.
I get bored here and there.
When I do, I do a default task which is writing an article or do KW research.
It breaks the boredom.
Talk about ironic.
You work like crazy for a long time, start making some decent bucks and your reward is boredom.
It’s actually not all doom and gloom.
I’m grateful every day for my business. I seldom do get bored because I love this stuff. But it happens.
I think “boredom” is overstating it.
I should call it “no longer frantic”.
When I started out and for years, I frantically worked like crazy to get big results.
I was hyper-motivated.
Some days (many days), I’d publish 4,000 to 5,000 words.
This online thing just had to work.
In time, it did work… well beyond my initial hopes.
My goal when I quit my “career” was to earn $15K per month. I specifically remember telling my dad that. I’m not so sure he thought it was possible.
Boredom is a luxury
Rich folk get bored.
Middle-class and poor folks are too busy to be bored.
They work hard, often multiple jobs. Don’t have nannies or staff. They seldom enjoy the convenience of restaurants or Doordash. Do home repairs themselves. Work on their cars to keep them running.
They are busy from sun-up to sundown.
I know from personal experience.
I’m not idle rich. I’m a busy dude. I have a business to run, two young kids yada yada yada.
I don’t have time to stroll to the top of Mt. Everest or check out at noon with 3+ martini lunches.
But rich folk throughout history are the bored class.
Many leisure activities were probably dreamed up by the idle rich.
Polo, tennis, bonsai tree growing, golf, adventuring, chess, spas, orchid growing, 3 martini lunches to name a few.
A couple of years ago I watched some dumb real estate show featuring Candy Spelling selling a mega-mansion she owned (built by late husband Aaron Spelling – TV producer).
She was showing the place off. In it, she had this huge room she called the “gift wrapping” room. It was bigger than my living room and kitchen combined.
She went on and on about all the time she spent there wrapping gifts for dear friends and colleagues.
Gift-wrapping is an idle rich activity.
Gift-wrapping for me is either adding the Amazon gift option or chucking it into some gift bag I have sitting around at the last minute.
In a worst-case scenario, I slap some local freebie newspaper on it and meekly say “sorry about the wrapping paper, but it’s good for the environment.” I make the effort to avoid the obituary page.
Despite my being a busy dude, there are times on some days where I’m bored at work. I recognize it as a luxury because it wasn’t long ago when I worked frantically 10 hours per day.
I no longer work frantically.
I work deliberately.
When boredom seeps in, I do my default task (focus on content).
Boredom beats frantic.
That’s why the idle rich put so much time into keeping their money.
They prefer boredom over busy.
I don’t aspire for boredom though.
There’s another class of rich and they’re the business owners.
They’re busy folks too.
They work huge hours. Stay busy. Love their work. Are seldom bored.
That’s the beauty of owning a business.
I’d rather bust my butt to build a successful business than winning a lottery. So much so I don’t buy lottery tickets.
If you’re building up a business, that’s a great thing. When you do, it provides a great sense of achievement. You’ll stay busy, but hopefully, lose the frantic.
Strive to lose the frantic but continue with deliberate, purposeful work.
What I love about this biz is there is no ceiling.
If I happen to corner a market in a niche (not likely), I can do it in another niche.
It’s the limitless possibilities of the digital world.
Just ask Zuck, the Google Guys, or Bezos.
While boredom is a sign of success, you need not stay bored.
Heck, if you’re cranking out millions of website visitors on autopilot with a team doing all the heavy lifting for you, start up a fun email newsletter.
It’s fun. It’s easy. It’s lucrative. Since you’re doing so well that you have to haul your money to the bank in a wheelbarrow, there’s no pressure to earn. You get to just write about whatever you like … such as boredom and the idle rich.
That is unless you prefer wrapping gifts after 3 martini lunches. If that’s the dream, go for it.
Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.