I’ve been rejected by many affiliate merchants and ad networks over the years.
Just recently I was rejected by an affiliate network. Not a merchant but an entire network.
Rejection sucked years ago. It still sucks. I doubt I would have done much with that network but rejection never feels good.
It makes us question our site and whether we should be doing this publishing gig at all.
I applied with my biggest niche site that has well over one million monthly visitors, loads of Pinterest followers, hundreds of thousands of FB fans, etc.
Fortunately, I’m confident my site is good so screw that affiliate network.
But when starting out, we don’t know that. We lack confidence. I sure did.
I took rejection hard.
Not so hard that I quit or slowed down, but it hung there like a dark cloud for an hour or so.
It added fuel to the motivation engine.
Rejection isn’t a game-ender.
Every big site and blogger get rejected somewhere along the way.
Even now my outreach efforts for expert contributions are batting something like 10%. That means 9 out of 10 experts that I and my writers contact for opinions and quotes ignore us.
More in the beginning than once traffic and revenue are plentiful.
Which puts you in a catch 22 of sorts.
How do you grow revenue to finance growth if you get rejected from premium affiliates, ad networks, etc.?
It makes it harder.
But it’s not impossible.
Resolve to one day have so much traffic they’ll contact you to promote them or get you in their ad network.
Nevertheless, you might get rejected by some nearsighted outfit once you have lots of traffic like me.
So be it.
I’m not sure what this outfit is looking for.
I don’t care enough to ask.
I’m nicely monetized.
Traffic is my focus.
Don’t let rejection and other speed bumps distract you from driving traffic.
Get that content out there.
Or do whatever it is that drives traffic.
Traffic solves most problems.
Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.