What skills do you need in order to grow a successful blog or niche website?
The good news is that many different skill sets can result in a successful blog or niche website.
If I had to choose one skill that I believe makes it easiest it would be the ability to write good content fast. I only say that because that is my number one skill set in this business. I’m definitely biased in this regard because I started and grew my niche sites writing all the content myself. I wrote… A LOT. I wrote 50+ hours per week in the early days. It worked for me.
What if you can’t write all that well? Is it possible?
You bet it is. I know publishers who have highly successful niche sites and wrote none or very little of the content. What they did was hire writers. The only downside in the beginning with this strategy is you need to have some money. If you don’t have money, you can’t hire writers. Most of the folks I know who went this route started while they had a decent-paying job and invested in their niche sites. It paid off. In fact, if you figure this business out, the ROI from publishing content sites can be insanely high and can be an amazing investment.
Another important skill set is data analysis
I write better than I analyze data. That’s not saying much about my writing. I don’t dig into data nearly as much or as deep as some of my colleagues. I’m much more of an “eyeball it” type of guy; go with my gut. Colleagues I know have elaborate spreadsheets where they analyze every aspect of their publishing business. It’s a very smart approach because in this business, like many other businesses, the data don’t lie. It can be reliable. I just don’t care for doing it. I much prefer writing and publishing on topics that I think are interesting. Sure, I do keyword research regularly and make decisions based on various keyword research software data but more and more I just dream up topics without cracking any keyword software. It’s fun. I may be leaving money on the table but I also believe that by going this route I’m creating unique niche sites that cover topics no other site covers. There’s something to be said for that. In time, if I play my cards write and have a little luck on my site, some of my niche sites will become true destination sites where readers come by regularly just to see what ole Jon dreamed up to write and publish about.
That said, I dream up topics that I believe other people are interested in. I’m not totally delusional. For example, visit the main blog page on this site and check out the topics. Most topics you won’t find covered on any other site. I dream them up. I put myself in the shoes of an aspiring blogger and do my best to come up with questions I might have. I also get plenty of blog post topic inspiration from the Fat Stacks forum. While I hope to grow SEO traffic to this site, I also hope it continues becoming more and more of a destination blog for folks wanting to grow blogs and niche sites.
Editing skills are also valuable
Some folks consider themselves much better editors than writers. I wouldn’t know what that’s like because I’m a horrible editor. However, if you’re a good editor, blogging and niche sites are right up your alley and here’s why. You can order lower-cost content and then put your editing skills to work to make it great. I would loathe my days if I had to spend them editing but I know some folks love it and for those of you who love to edit, this business is a very good option for you.
Graphic design is an underrated skill for bloggers – let me explain
Many times I wish I had killer graphic design skills. I don’t. I never will. Yet, I publish many articles that revolve around graphics such as illustrations and diagrams. In fact, you could easily create a highly successful blog or niche site where the content is focused on illustrations and diagrams.
That said, each post with graphics as a focus still needs some writing. I’ve literally published approximately 500+ articles and posts where graphics are the focus but in my experience I’ve found that in order to rank graphics, it needs some text. It sucks that this is the case but I’ve tested it. The good news is it doesn’t need much text… 500 words will usually do the trick.
Not only can graphics such as illustrations and diagrams rank well but they attract links like nobody’s business. Other websites use them and many will link back to you as the source.
So yeah, graphic design skills can be more than enough to grow a wildly successful blog.
PHP coding skills can create a massive publishing business – here’s how
There are some cool sites out there that require solid PHP coding. Many are auto-generated sites. Now before you scoff at the concept of auto-generated websites, there are some that are not only successful but good. I’ve found auto-generated comparison sites on the web that pull in data automatically and compare thousands or even millions of products and services. Okay, these aren’t as good as articles written by an expert who has tried everything being compared, in some cases they do offer decent info and can serve as a starting research point for visitors.
Other concepts include user-generated sites and of course online software/tools sites that can really clean up with millions of visitors every month.
If you can code PHP, you can create cool websites.
Any hobby/experience coupled with half-decent writing can do the job spectacularly
Many-a-successful sites launched and grew because its owner had a passion for some hobby, activity and/or interest. If you have an interest in something and can string a sentence together, you have the skill set to publish a great website.
Even if you’re writing is weak that’s okay. The more you write, the better you’ll get. I’m a far better writer for the Web today than I was 10 years ago. Notice I said “for the Web” because there’s a difference between writing for the Web and other arenas such as academic or professional writing. I have a law background and trust me, you do not want to read legalese or any writing that’s penned in a lawyerly fashion.
It took me time to lighten up with my Web writing; to be more conversational and whimsical. I have plenty of room for improvement but one of the best compliments I receive from readers (email readers usually) is that my emails read as if I’m only writing to them.
Don’t forget about actually liking this business
It helps if you like the concept of being an online publisher. It’s not for everyone. I love being an online publisher so I’m highly motivated to grow niche sites and blogs. If you find yourself procrastinating to work on the site, it’s probably not the best fit.
Jon Dykstra is a six figure niche site creator with 10+ years of experience. His willingness to openly share his wins and losses in the email newsletter he publishes has made him a go-to source of guidance and motivation for many. His popular “Niche site profits” course has helped thousands follow his footsteps in creating simple niche sites that earn big.